Black men during slavery watched and learned from their slave - TopicsExpress


Black men during slavery watched and learned from their slave owners, the white men thrived abusing us, Black men began to do the same. (without the thriving part) and passed that on down generations, molesting their own children or other peoples children and still in denial of this, Sit with a group of Sisters 200 or more and find out how many have been abused by men who are family members or associates, 90% at least. We are certainly being taught, trained and programmed to Hate our men and are certainly suffering from post traumatic slave syndrome along with many other ailments. Many social media videos are showing our people/children experiencing injustice while our men do nothing but tape it, laugh at it, and in many cases coax it or just plain talk about it and petition the white man for mercy or to do something about it. The pain of our ancestors, Mothers, Grandmothers, Great Grand Mothers and on back, of being abused and seeing our men stand by not protecting us is ALIVE AND WELL today, we watch our babies being killed everyday and our men impotent. They argue with one another about whos right and whos wrong, whos leader is this or that, my way is the best, your way aint right, Well we are sick and tired of the disunity of our men! Our children are DYING!!! and brothers want to argue with each other and accomplish NOTHING but more of the same. We use our Mother adrenaline to strengthen us in order to protect our babies, as best we can even in our ignorance, but only to the best of our ability and what we cannot do, because we are not men, we rage about and hate our men for not doing. Separation is our only solution, We are being programmed daily by the television and social media for the message they want us to receive and internalize, they are doing a great job on our minds for their benefit. We have got to get REAL serious about The Time And What Must Be Done or we are going to continue down this spiral of hell that we are trapped in. We need to get REAL about our condition as a people, understand The Nature of Man and get understanding about what HAS to be done in order to save our childrens future, otherwise all our boys are gonna be girls, and there will be no Real men left. Mothers cannot continue to raise boys alone! This is insanity, We cannot train a boy to be a Man! especially when we are clueless. We need our beloved Men to train our boys! Nothing else is going to work! Turn the boys over to the training of our MEN our REAL MEN! Let them learn how to LOVE Honor, Respect and PROTECT their women. I know I am kind of all over the place with this but I am very passionate about this subject matter and I can clearly see the need for us to Rise Above Emotions Into the Thinking of GOD. Peace.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 14:57:56 +0000

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