Black people dont know how not to be victimized. Its as if its - TopicsExpress


Black people dont know how not to be victimized. Its as if its second nature to them. They tell themselves, if I talk a certain way, Ill get more respect...if I look a certain way I wont get shot...if I walk a certain way, I wont be racially profiled... If I dont go into this neighborhood, if I dont wear a hoody at night, if my pants dont sag, if I dont blast this kind of music, then maybe the white man wont have an excuse to shoot me. Now while I agree with this train of thought to a certain extent, when is enough enough?? When do blacks start thinking that hey, maybe I shouldnt be getting killed for the way I dress or walk or talk. That maybe, just maybe, I shouldnt be dying period and nobody should be killing me anyway for anything I do unless I harm them or commit a crime. When is the logic that I should not be going to jail for simply being black and loving my own personal lifestyle choices and taste in fashion and music going to kick in? Now dont get me wrong when I say blacks I dont mean all, but Im speaking of the majority and the same goes for whites, so I dont need your thats not my logic line of reasoning here, theres bigger things to discuss. And for those who disagree with me, I will give you perfect examples for my train of thought here. How else would you explain that asinine open letter to Bobby Shmurda I saw all over my timeline? And who wrote it? A black person. And who shared it? More black people. Their cumulative logic was that he looked like a minstrel show and he promotes violence so he should be more cognizant of this and change his lyrics and stop being a puppet. The writer even went as far as to label Bobby a target by the police because of his demeanor and lyrics. She pleads with the powers that be to not essentially kill the poor man because hes made himself an easy target. Im sorry, what?! Because he sings certain lyrics and dresses a certain way he deserves to be a target? Apparently so because how else can you explain this new law in the video below, which purports to put an innocent black man in jail for releasing an album. Mind you, this man has never committed an actual crime a day in his life, nor has any crime ever been connected to him. But guess what though, he should go to jail for life because he released a violent album and black people think it is OK. Where is the logic that one shouldnt be teaching people how bout to victimize them, but rather that they shouldnt be victimized period? Its akin to going up to a random person and assuming theyre going to punch you in your face so you start making your case as to why this person, whom youve never offended ever in your life, should not randomly sock you in your face. How is this logically even astute in peoples minds? But guess what, thats how most blacks reason and its sickening. Whats even more troubling is that a white man makes the case for the black man accused in the footage, saying that not only does it infringe on his first amendment freedom of speech rights, but also any movie maker or director whos ever made a violent film should be held accountable in the same manner. Why should one art form be censored and another allowed to freely operate without worrying about repercussions. Why not jail Martin Scorsese or Stephen King for their violent movies and books, respectively? But this is logically OK with black people and thats why such a silly and ignorant law can even pass muster. A man with no criminal history whatsoever might be going to jail for a rap album, let that sink in for a moment. S M H
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 18:54:01 +0000

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