Black people filled the whole earth thousands thousands of years - TopicsExpress


Black people filled the whole earth thousands thousands of years before whites came along. Dont buy into the lie that Black people were only in Africa, and whites etc discovered the rest of the world. Not true. Black people We had 12 separate countries spread over the whole earth, from Asia to Africa to the Americas and Europe. Yes, even Europe. There was a time when the climate there was not icy cold as it is today. Black people lived there and left the same type of monuments everywhere they lived. Take a look at the monuments of kemet Egypt which- it is finally admitted, were built by Black people, after many centuries of reluctance. (This reluctance persisted for centuries despite the fact that Herodotus, the father of Caucasian history stated very clearly 2,500 years ago that the ancient Egyptians were nappy hair midnight-skin Black people. And how did he know? He went there while Black people were still living there and ruling their own country. In those days, kemet Egypt was to the whole world what America is today. Everybody who was anybody went there for learning, culture, fortune and fame, just as people today come to America from all over the world. It was taken for granted then, just as it is today among whites, that Black people were the most advanced people on earth. Herodotus says so without shame. Whites in those days were still in the infancy of developing their sense of superiority, which is now fully mature, albeit completely false.) Take a look at the monuments of ancient Egypt as an example of what our people built. Then search all over the world for similar monuments, and youll find them on every continent. If you want to find where Americans have been in the world, dont you look for McDonalds, Kentucky Fried and Ford automobiles? Those are whites modern monuments that he leaves behind everywhere he goes. Black people left behind much more enduring monuments everywhere they lived. When you see megalithic stone structures so large that white people today look at them and say, How did they do that?, know without doubt when you see these monuments anywhere on earth that Black people once lived there. This is true of Stonehenge in Britain, others in Europe and Asia, and the great walls in Central and South America, even in North America; i.e. black people were all over the world we ruled the world
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 15:21:47 +0000

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