Black people, stop marching around and rioting.... Its time for - TopicsExpress


Black people, stop marching around and rioting.... Its time for Black people to CHANGE! His message is ON TARGET and to the point... HOWEVER, I must add, I havent said anything on this subject because it is a very important one, one that is being re-constructed, re-directed, distracted, and totally misconstrued.... There is more than one issue here and this young man very wisely recognizes the fact and addresses the REAL issue for what it is AND the people who are constantly trying to generate the hype which feeds the hysteria and violence we are seeing across this Nation today. I commend this young man for speaking out and for speaking TRUTH. You see, as AMERICANS though, we ALL need to CHANGE. Not just the blacks or the Black Community. And as the young man so adequately and truthfully states, If we clean up our own yards, they will clean up theirs. Another fact is that the ONLY one who has and IS THE ANSWER to ALL of these things is the LORD Himself. This young man has obviously known the Lord and knows the authority and power of His Word. He knows that the Word is where we must turn for direction and the Lord for guidance and Answers. He knows therein is where the real truth lies. I commend this young man because he so accurately calls out all those who are trying to point fingers and keep a big racial divide and pity party going between police officers, particularly White officers and Black males because of the National attention of this case yet when other incidents have occured simultaneously where other blacks were killed each moment of every day, where were those big shots then? Why are they coming out of the woodwork and making a big show now? Were not the lives of all the other black people who were taken out equally as important as the one of the young man who was caught when a crime was in progress? As for what happened and how, I will not address those things because I didnt see them or hear them first hand and perceived reality becomes reality. Folks, this is the United States of America! I dont care if you are black, white, asian, spanish or whatever. It makes no difference to me. This is not Iraq, Iran or some third world Country. This is America. In America we #VALUE human #life. In #America, we train and teach our people to love and care for and respect one another. Our children attend school and church together. We work side by side. We function in all aspects of society without a care in the world what color a persons skin is. The things that are taking place now are a total disgrace not only to the Black people as a whole, but to #Americans! These things ought not be in the United States of America! Yes, our #Government as we have come to know it has definitely #Failed us. Our #System has #Failed us. In watching various News coverage of events unfolding and the riots as well as peaceful protests I saw a sign being carried at a college which read, Missing: U.S. #Constitution Folks, there is one of the MAIN problems. The very thing that our Government from the President and Supreme Court all the way down to the Police and lower courts was designed to defend and protect for us is our Constitutional #Rights. Yet that is the very thing that our president and current government entities has robbed us of one by one..... Until we get back to God and His Ways (READ 2 Chron. 7:14) and a REAL president and honest government doing what our founding fathers meant for them to do, and until each of us faces up to our own responsibilities and accountability for our actions, these things will not get better. I cringe as I think about what may happen in schools and other places when the holiday is over and everyone is thrown back together in this horrendous situation. We already have an epidemic of school shootings, gang shootings, drive by shootings and countless other things. Now we add this to the mix?????? People, when are we going to CHANGE FOR THE GOOD OF AMERICA AS A WHOLE? Not only do the blacks need to make that change, we ALL need to make that change and it can only be done when we admit theres a problem, it begins with us and we begin with God. Whos going to join me in CHANGING for the BETTER??????
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 19:50:58 +0000

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