Blair the puppet C... Is live on sky He is as an apologists for - TopicsExpress


Blair the puppet C... Is live on sky He is as an apologists for the zionist Israel He is demanding the violence to stop and give Israel long term protection from rocket fire and tunnels He said we need to sit down and work out a term for Gaza and put in place But will not invite hamas to the table and feels the ceasefire brokered by Egypt and Israel should be acknowledged He was asked several times who was to blame for this latest onslaught He said hamas is to blame because they fail to accept a ceasefire He is a C... he will rot in Hell he cannot string a straight sentence he is hesitating at every sentence He said he is fighting for the isralie population and worries goat a rocket could hit occupied Israel and cause deaths He also said how hard they are having it in Israel with these rockets being fired in and they might hit he is feeling sorry that this will lead to a situations where isralie citizens will be killed I detest him he says he will stay in his job as long as he can He is not confident he will find peace but will continue to try
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 15:31:53 +0000

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