Blasphemy Law - For those who are Curious! 1) Contradicting - TopicsExpress


Blasphemy Law - For those who are Curious! 1) Contradicting Statement about Blasphemy Law? 2) How Blasphemy held? (complete video) 3) Propaganda: Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri made contradicting statement about Blasphemy Law in English in the international media as compared to the points he made while addressing Pakistanis in Urdu. Regarding the link being promoted on Facebook and Youtube, it has been prepared and posted by some of the opponents of Dr. Qadri sb. who has always been trying to defame him. At this instance, they tried to misguide people by showing small clips from two different sources presented under wrong context. These people also provided such clip from a long lecture of Dr. Sahib to Danish media during his recent visit and tried to defame him whereas he was there to promote the Islams message of peace which he has been doing all over the world. There are some groups, unfortunately within Muslims, who have never done any good to Islam or Muslims and have no way able to reach to the level of international media like how Dr. sb. been doing, and their only objective have been to defame Dr. Sahib and his efforts. But alhamdolillah he keeps on doing his positive works by just ignoring such people and has promoted the Islams message of peace on all the main stream media of the world like CNN, BBC and at all high profile forums like World Economic Forum, US Institute of Peace in Washington DC, United Nations, US Islamic World Forum, various high profile US universities, and member of parliaments of various countries including UK, USA, Australia, India, New Zealand, Canada, and so on. Regarding this matter, here is a response in the same regard that Dr. Qadri himself gave to Danish media channel that can clarify about the controversial clip: youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&list=PL6AE3F2720D32DD6A&v=QtT_5gjgLO4 Also watch his first interview to the same channel: youtube/watch?v=V0HoNbz-3ik&feature=BFa&list=PL6AE3F2720D32DD6A Here in a recent interview he clarified it again clearly:https://facebook/photo.php?v=3577863903808 And then Ill also invite you to listen to that complete Urdu lectures from which those people took out a clip and tried to present it under wrong context. Ill highly recommend to listen to the complete lectures (about 12 hours in length) as this is the most comprehensive view of Islamic stance on blasphemy law that have ever been presented by any scholar as he is quoting only from Quran and Hadith and supporting it with the views of our Imams and not just giving his own opinion, and many literary circles and scholars around the world are now getting benefits of this lecture and it is also being compiled into a very comprehensive book as this can become encyclopedia on the topic: Part - I: youtube/watch?v=72pBiWxfrjk Part - II: youtube/watch?v=NV259WY0yuw&feature=related Here is another important recent clip in which Dr. Qadri has clarified the matter while responding to one media anchor in Pakistan: facebook/photo.php?v=473597409359471 Its worth to do some research to find good scholars as it is our moral and religious duty to do effort to find and listen to good people. Unfortunately people do research even to buy a good household products these days but dont feel any need to do any effort to find good scholar and take this thing as granted. Of course these days there are many neem mullas out there who are dangerous for our imaan, and it is really worth to do effort to find good scholars.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 18:01:10 +0000

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