Blessed Day Beloved Friends Sunday 23 March 2014 Heres Todays - TopicsExpress


Blessed Day Beloved Friends Sunday 23 March 2014 Heres Todays Devotional from *The Special Seed* Moving from Victim to Victor No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37 Today were living in a nation of victims. Everybody is a victim today! Its all somebody elses fault. Any problem in your life, you blame your husband/ex-husband or your wife, you blame the government, your teacher, you blame your mother for not telling you who your father is, etc. The interesting truth is that there is no excuse for failure, we must all learn that we are each responsible for our own actions, we are each responsible for our own conduct. In Psalm 18:6 the word of God tells us about David, He did not just play the victim role, David decided that he would much rather be the victor than the victim. “In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears. “Two keys from moving from victim to victor: first there must be a confession of weakness. When David found himself in distress and his mind being attacked with doubt and defeat; he admits that he is weak and cannot defeat the enemy. The reason why you remain a victim and a failure, is because you do not want to accept your weakness. It is human nature to handle things in our own strength and NOT to admit we are weak because somehow we have come to believe that weakness is linked to failure. But God’s way of thinking is not man’s way of thinking. In God to admit one’s weakness is an act of strength and God’s strength made perfect in our weakness thus not resulting in failure but in success guaranteed. Secondly: David not only admits his weakness but he also PURSUES GOD. After the confession there must be a pursuit- not of the enemy but of God. David declared that he was depending on the Lord to deliver him. He began with a confession of weakness and concluded with a shout of victory. You know why Jarius laid aside his position in life and pursued Christ and fell at His feet…? His daughter’s life depended on it. You know why the lady with the issue of blood for 12 years did not allow the crowd to crowd her out in her pursuit of Christ? Her healing depended on it. You know why when told to shut his mouth blind Bartemeius cried even the louder Jesus thou Son of David have mercy on me…? His sight depended on it. Do you know why you need to pursue God like never before in your life? because YOUR life and your VICTORY depends on it. We can move from victim to victor when we confess our weakness and pursue God. I am convinced that God is attracted to pursuit. As you begin to move towards Him, He will begin to move towards you. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek (pursue) Him. Are you tired of fighting a losing battle? then start pursuing a victorious God. From today stop blaming and hating people they are not responsible for your failure, change will only come through you, love everyone unconditional -be the change you want to see in people around you, confess your weakness and sin, God’s mercy is bigger than any mistake and wrong decisions you have made in the past, God will restore everything in your life. Action Step: In your next service at your church make a statement of weakness by going to the alter, and by doing that you’re saying God I am pursuing you. I am confessing my weakness that I might possess your strength. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ in your life, the first step is to accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour. Salvation is the first qualification to move from being a victim to a victor, and it comes free of charge, you might have accepted Jesus Christ in the past but you have not been living Christ like, make right with God today rededicate your life to Jesus Christ. OUR HUMBLE REQUEST: - Partner with us in loving the orphans and widows crying for your help and also distributing free bibles to ignite the spirit of lost souls and sustain them in their walk in the Spirit!!!! WRITE TO US TO OBTAIN A FREE BIBLE. All Special Seed products are not for sale!! Please support our movement of Soldiers for Christ, planting your seed in our SPECIAL SEED MOVEMENT helps us to continue producing materials and products that sustain millions of people in their walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26). Brought to you by The Special Seed “Sustaining your walk in the Spirit” info@thespecialseed----Follow us on our Facebook page—The Special Seed https://facebook/TheSpecialSeed
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:42:41 +0000

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