Blessed Day Beloved Friends Wednesday 05 March 2014 Heres - TopicsExpress


Blessed Day Beloved Friends Wednesday 05 March 2014 Heres Todays Devotional from *The Special Seed* WHEN LIFE IS NOT FAIR -RUTH Now Elimelek, Naomi’s husband, died, and she was left with her two sons. 4 They married Moabite women, one named Orpah and the other Ruth. After they had lived there about ten years, 5 both Mahlon and Kilion also died, and Naomi was left without her two sons and her husband-Ruth 1:1-17 There is one women character I love so much in the bible, her name is RUTH, and in Hebrew her name means friend or companion. To all my beloved sisters I urge you to study the life of RUTH and master her model of life, join us in the next 3 days looking at the life of Ruth. What happened to Ruth, let’s review her life….Ruth’s young husband has died. Her father-in-law and brother-in-law have died as well. All the men in the household are gone. And Ruth’s mother-in-law, Naomi, whose name means “pleasant” and who must have lived up to that name, since she had obviously endeared herself to Ruth and Orpah…well, she has slipped into a deep depression that has caused her to become very cynical. In verse 20 she changes her name to “Mara,” which means “bitter.” Naomi is no longer pleasant! Before all this happened Naomi and her entire family must have had a deep faith in God. In fact Ruth’s father-in-law, Elimilech….his name means, “God is my King.” The family’s faith was so genuine in fact that it drew Ruth from worshiping the false gods of the Moabite people to following the one True God. But now Elimilech and his sons are dead and his wife seems to have lost her faith. She’s angry at God. She blames Him for the unfairness of her situation. So, Ruth-a new believer in God-has gone from being a part of a large, happy, God-worshiping family-to being a young widow alone with an embittered mother-in-law. And I think that we should pause here and note that several women in Africa and all parts of the world are in a similar situation, including my own mother I love so much , imagine the person who knew the sound of your heart beat for 35 years suddenly he is gone. We also have some women whose spouses are still living but have left them….and they are going through the pain of separation or divorce. And this is also incredibly agonizing. Divorce brings a deep lingering pain. I would say that in a way divorce is more difficult than the death of a mate. There is no closure-no funeral-so the wounds it causes are very slow in healing. If you are reading this devotion today and are dealing with either of these particular types of unfairness-then open your heart and continue reading – because I truly believe that Ruth would want you to know some things she discovered that will help you. First of all, I think she would urge you to CLING TO THE HOPE THAT YOUR HURT WILL EASE, You may feel like you have an ache in your heart that will never go away…and it may never TOTALLY disappear-but it WILL ease. Your life may feel like a long, dark tunnel at the moment but it’s not endless. There is light at the end of the tunnel. It may seem like it is far away but it is there! A time will come when you will be able to feel joy once more. Just be patient. The sun will shine again in your life! Remember, it takes far more time for emotional wounds to heal than it does physical ones but they DO heal! Scripture records that there came a time when Ruth and Naomi came to the end of their “tunnel of darkness.” Ruth met Boaz, a godly man, and they married and he took care of both Ruth and Naomi. Things got better! There was laughter once again in the lives of both of these women. So if you are hurting and alone like they were — then cling to the hope that your pain will ease…there’s did and yours will as well. Action Step: Today cling to the hope that your hurt will ease, join us again on part 2 of this devotion. STUDY RUTH 1:1-17 OUR HUMBLE REQUEST: - Partner with us in loving the orphans and widows crying for your help and also distributing free bibles to ignite the spirit of lost souls and sustain them in their walk in the Spirit!!!! Brought to you by The Special Seed “Sustaining your walk in the Spirit” info@thespecialseed----Follow us on our Facebook page—The Special Seed https://facebook/TheSpecialSeed
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 05:55:45 +0000

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