Blessed First Sabbath of 2015. Blessed be Adam, Father Noah, and - TopicsExpress


Blessed First Sabbath of 2015. Blessed be Adam, Father Noah, and all his descendants Foolish people try to propagate a division among the human family, more so than a unity of brotherhood. Father Noah had three sons with his wife, Emzara. All the human beings upon the earth today are descended from these two folks after the Flood. Shem, Ham, and Japheth were all full blooded brothers. Shem’s wife was the lady Sedeqetelebab. The wife of Ham was the princess Na’eltama’uk. The wife of Japheth is Adataneses, a woman of extraordinary qualities. These three women were all third cousins to the three sons of Father Noah, and Mother Emzara. The names of the three wives of the three sons of Father Noah are all Kemethian names. Sound them out for yourselves, and then ask your own mind what it thinks, from a linguistic view point. One thing that we know is that all these eight noble beings were all Sabbath keepers. Father Adam and all his righteous descendants were also all Sabbath keepers. Cane ibin Adam, and his disgusting descendants were all atheists, murders, liars, crooks, and witches. Nonetheless, the point is that there are no differences between the children of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, because they were all of the same parents. So if their descendants are us on earth; don’t we have more similarities than differences? The former Lord Lucifer is the one that causes the illusion of a difference between us. Spiritually, we are the same as the One who formed creation; only in a smaller portion. It is better to stress unity, in all that we do, than to stress disunity. We are all a part of each other, in an eternal relation. The Sabbath is a great gift from God to man. The Sabbath is a heavenly ordinance. It must be observed, especially since it kept countless former believing men/women out of the claws of the Satan and his cohorts. Ye,t Lord Yahushua said that “the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.” The meaning is that the Heavenly Father has created all things to serve us; we should serve nothing, and no one, but Him. Some of us make a show of the Holy Sabbath, as if though it is a hype; a new in-thing. But the Sabbath has always been attached to every “after-creations.” It is therefore, an eternal institution, within the constitutional framework in creation. The Holy Book says that: “The fool says within his heart that Jah does not exist.” But the believer says within her heart: “If Jah does not exist then how could I have existed?” The devotees of Jah-Amlak say within their hearts: “Jah, please remember us when we slide and fall; show us your mercies, and bless us, so that our names can be written in the “Book of Life.” Once our names become written in the Book of Life, we are safe. After that Lord Satan will no longer have any power over us. Until then it is an ups and down battle. The forces of Light, and the forces of darkness both want to help us; only the “light forces want to help us up; whilst the dark forces want to help us down. Whatever direction we will end up at, is going to depend only upon us. We have a choice, and every soul knows that. To be trapped to the eternal “Awagawan” depends solely upon us. When Yahushua was tempted, he could have capitulated to the Negative Power, in all three cases, but he overcame the Tempte, on all three occasions. However, most of us are not as strong as was Yahushua. That is the reason that we must continually pray for each other; every day, we must remember each other in all our prays. Let us try and become more loving to each other. Let us remind the young people to be respectful to their elders. Let us teach them to respect the earthly authoritie;, so that they can in turn show them respect to our youths. Both sides have to reach a balance. Life cannot be one sided. Help some of the youths to leave the drug-peddling lifestyle, and submit themselves to a more decent lifestyle. Stop scattering their seeds; for these unwanted children usually grow up to suffer. Elders should have access to countless different radio programs, within their areas, so as to enlighten our young people concerning living a good and decent life. A more settled life; instead of only going out and protesting after the fact. Protesting is good, but please put some quality time in the youths. Only some of the Rasta people that care to do a little cleaning up on the youths. Yet, look at the fight that Rastas get, even from some other Black peoples; who should be helping to appreciate each other; so as to minimize and to remove all the obstacles to African Redemption. The first thing that Mr. Garvey did, in his time, was to show Black people how to love themselves. But people with hatred in their hearts, was bent on keeping Black people in darkness, and ignorance. It was the same ways in which they fought people such as Yesus. The evil nature in mankind dislikes, and even hates, anyone who want to do some good in this world. Do not fool yourselves, for that will never change as long as this corrupt satanic realm exists. Then there are several problems with the imposters. That is, those who are pretenders to the Order. They are loveless souls that dislike everything decent and honorable and just. But we leave them to God. We should put time into our youths, by doing our best to teach them the fear of God in their hearts. When we talked about radio programs, we refer to the concert of community radio programming. It is far better for the community to run a station than an individual. Private stations are primarily for profit making. Community stations function mainly to give the voiceless a voice in things that matters most to their lives. The most informative international community radio station, at present, is We should support it and do likewise to other stations such as “Democracy now” has thousands of affiliated stations on all the continents. It gives the most unbiased news. There are those who benefit economically and otherwise from the youths killing each other; as well as being killed by the governments. The vital young internal organs are being used as spare parts for older folks who have destroyed their organs, by neglect and misuse. Organs’ gathering is big business in the world. Most of those youths that are killed, are usually buried without their internal organs. It is usually an organ-less shell that is lying in the coffins. The opening of the Eye of Horus will certainly give a glimpse of the truth almost always. But everything is in the hands of the Father. He sees and knows everything. Who can fool God? The U.N.I.A., is still an active organization, and should also be supported in the best manner. We must pray for our youths struggling to find their identities. An identity-less soul is a very confuse person. A person with a false identity is also a very confused person. It was primarily because of Marcus Garvey that Rasta commenced in Arawakia. Yes there were several others, but they too were under the spell of the U.N.I.A. The U.N.I.A. is the only true hope for the survival of the Negro Race. The O.A.U. which has been changed to the A.U. is presently a confused entity. The children of the former Arabs and Turkish conquerors in the north of Africa have their own agendas. As, Mr. Garvey said: “ Black solidarity is a challenge to European supremacy, and that is the principal reason that those that hate us will do everything in their power to try to stop Black people from coming together.” People can keep fooling themselves concerning the facts. The interests of the African Negroes and their future is completely different from that of the Arab-Muslims. It has always been so, and it shall always be so. Just as the interests of the Negroes in the New World countries are completely different from those of the other peoples. Some fools do not think so, but time has always proven the facts, over and over again. When the U.N.I.A. is in proper function, the political, military, and other leaders will support all the progressive projects. Mr. Garvey; as well as the Negus Tafari did stress the need for owning and operating factories. To provide employment within the Negro communities, as well as to build infrastructure, especially in Africa. We need to try to love each other more and more each and every day. We must love everyone, but we must love ourselves first and foremost. Blessed love.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 21:54:31 +0000

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