Blessed Morning, A church consists of many ministry and one of - TopicsExpress


Blessed Morning, A church consists of many ministry and one of the important ministry is to be the leader of the church.. A leader of a church means to led the congregation as the spirit leads to do.. The responsible of a leader is.. Hebrews 13.17 17 Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you. Here it says that we need to submit to the authorities (our leaders ) Because they keep watch upon us, To watch upon us, is to build the relationship with us and God, It also says that they have to look upon our spiritual growth.. By the great power in the entwining gifts of words, of encouragement, prayers of intercession, weeping together, holding each other, and sometimes just sitting with one another sharing the presence of our love. Why Is this happening in the churches today ? Many leaders do not know what is the their responsibility been a leader.. This what they think, leaders means collecting offerings providing the vine and bread for the holy communing, and next level to the Pastors, Pride takes control of them.. Today we see many leaders, not even they wanted to know who you are, not even a smile.. What keeps them in this way because they not meditating on Gods words? The bible clearly speaks about the obeying the leader of the church, that we must have confidence in our leaders and submit to their authority. Now how do we have confidence with the leaders, when they does not know who we are, and where are we from and what is our problem.. There is a tree, God’s magnificent creation, the giant sequoia tree. this tree can grow to around 300 feet tall with a diameter that exceeds 20 feet. They can live over 3,000 years and are even fire resistant. Amazing fact is that these trees can grow in just 3 feet of soil and withstand high winds, taking a bold stand. Their strength lies in the fact that their roots intertwine with other trees, providing mutual strength and shared resources. God’s plan for leaders is like that. Their ability to stand tall in spite of the buffeting winds of life, is directly related to the love and support we receive from God and one another. The leader have to intertwine with the congregation in order to have mutual strength, where nothing can set them apart from the unity in Christ.. Hebrews 13:16 says, we are to “do good and to share” . Think of how tough it would be to withstand adversity if someone were not sharing the roots of their strength with us. This is what God telling, us the kind of ministry the leaders has to do.. Today many has been appointed to be leaders in the church because of the donation and bigger amount of tithes that they give unto the Church.. Today how many of the leaders are praying for the congregation that needs Gods help, are they at least come forward to say praise the lord.. May be if one of you brothers or sisters that you are reading this message can be a leader in your church, please forgive me for sending this message not to hurt you but as the spirit wants me to deliver this message unto you. The Bible says this!! you as those( leaders ) who must give an account. May God Bless this day to have mutual strength in order to get intertwine through the Love of Christ.. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 03:33:45 +0000

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