Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for - TopicsExpress


Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad because great is your reward in heaven. Matthew 5:10-12 Your right living, moral ways, your relationship with God may turn people against you because your the salt of the earth but Instead a getting down, rejoice and be glad your reward is heaven. When I read that verse I think well that verse is not talking about me I live in a free country, I can be a Christ believer and follow him freely without fear of persecution. The more I think about it i see I am wrong. Look at the world today we have people being beheaded for speaking of the love of Christ. Yes in our country we are not being killed for our beliefs but instead we are being persecuted by silence, our voice is being ignored, your just an fanatic. Our views and beliefs are called crazy , rude and wrong. You are called soft not able to think by yourself. This happens daily and it get personal but look what The Lord Jesus Christ says Blessed are the persecuted. Christians are easy scapegoats for the worlds evil. They are living immoral lives and the way we live for Christ is showing them up and they dont like it. Look at the disciples that learned, walked and ministered with Jesus. They watched him die on the cross and saw him rise three days later and walk with them again, they had seen it with their own eyes and all were persecuted. They were killed, heck Paul was not one of the twelve he was a Christian killer, but Jesus changed his life and changed his name to Paul, he was beaten eight different times, stoned and killed for his righteousness. Peter was crucified. Evil can not stand righteousness, darkness cant stand light. 80% of all Christians will face persecution but instead of focusing on the fear Jesus says stand strong you be rewarded for enduring it. HEAVEN!!! We are called to live in a relationship with Christ. Christian means one with Christ. To compromise with the world is like saleing out Christ. You going to be rejected, misunderstood and ridiculed when you live righteously for Jesus, but rejoice and be glad for your reward is heaven. Take joy in it, keep your eyes on the prize, remember Jesus suffered for you and I so we could be with God forever. We are washed clean because of his persecution and death. Walk with your head up high for you are a son and daughter of God.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 12:53:54 +0000

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