Blessings Family, Im taking a moment to at the beginning of - TopicsExpress


Blessings Family, Im taking a moment to at the beginning of another month to truly take a look at my life. I desire to do this more often and so today as I move through this day Im looking at the areas of my life where I could use some support to move beyond current conditions or expressions. I have a very good life, a wonderful life. Within this life I have challenges. Challenges come to us all and I absolute to know every challenge in life is an opportunity. As I go through this day Im asking Spirit to reveal to me the area of my life that I am to give my attention to that will serve my growth, development and expansion in this greatest way. What spiritual practice, relationship, healing, service, study, commitment, release or other am I being called to give my attention to. I am making this inquiry releasing all judgement of myself and embracing myself with the patience I would any friend, loved one, client or student. I make this inquiry and I know that I will get an answer that dont simply makes sense to my intellectual capacity but to my heart. Im prepared for it to seem like a little thing or for it to appear like a great immoveable object. I am prepared for it to be something that has been with me my whole life or even that which I dont see as significant. I release all attachment to what emerges only know that I am under Divine guidance and that it is not I who does that work but Spirit. I share this with you and invite you to do the same. Summertime is the time of harvest and soon it will be time to turn over the fields again and plant new seeds. Have you had a harvest recently? What have you reaped that you sowed? Has your harvest been to your delight or has it dimmed your light and reduced your joy, your willingness to shine your light or experience joy? Perhaps youve had a bountiful harvest and its time for the next one, time for you to realized the greater capacity of your life for abundance, love and creativity. What emerges for us as we take this on cannot be taken for us and cannot be done by someone else for us. It is our journey and ours alone however, we do not take this journey alone. We are supported actively by the all-loving, everywhere present, all-powerful, lover of our soul – Spirit. Additionally very specifically the Our Daily Prayer Call FAMILY, our spiritual community and those who hold us in prayer for our highest good, lift us and give us strength and focus, resiliency and the fuel to keep the fire burning within us. What I know for sure is that before I knock the doors are already open, before I ask it has already been given, and I AM acting in concert with the great, grand conspiracy of my ancestors and descendants who along with God know the infinite possibilities for my life. Today I make time to inquire and do so with an activated YES to what is for me! Lets do this together! YES!? With all love and peace, Jason Todays inspirational reading is entitled, Whole-Souled Devotion and it is Day 22 from the book 40 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast by Michael Bernard Beckwith. The affirmation in todays reading is: I surrender to the all-consuming Love of the Spirit. I am absorbed by this Divine Presence, so personal that it has personalized Itself as myself. To listen to the recording of todays call online click below: If you prefer to listen over your phone simply dial 1-267-507-0255 and enter Recording ID: 84450921 when prompted for it.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 15:09:48 +0000

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