Blessings! New or Old Friend & Family! Thanks for the Gift of your - TopicsExpress


Blessings! New or Old Friend & Family! Thanks for the Gift of your Friendship! I am another You = Namaste I am your friend WG Rich @ your service! @ blogtalkradio/weareallonemovie or AshtarSheranRADIO.COM or AshtarTV.COM OMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwah!!!!! ps. Lets LIGHT UP! the CIties of DIVINE LIGHT + LOVE + JOY & so it is... SEDONA CRYSTALLINE CITY OF LIGHT ACTIVATES BETWEEN SOLSTICE AND NEW YEARS 2014. EVENT TIME IS SOLSTICE IN YOUR PART OF THE WORLD.....archaeoastronomy/2014.html The city of Light above Sedona, which is named New Jerusalem will become activated and grounded. Sedona City of light is one of thirteen. These other cities of light will appear on the Earth plane in the future. The City of light is here to aid in our ascension..raising our vibrations to higher crystalline levels and provide healing. This city has been predicted of its coming for centuries. It is to appear in the physical during the Holy times of this year..being December. The Sedona City of Light is to be filled with New technologies for healing ! This is the first city of light to appear ,with many more around the planet to follow..There will be 13 more offering the same healing through light .It is the wave of the future and Sedona is the first. Cities of Light are residing in the Etheric of Earth and are connected to her crystalline grid. Cities of light are 5D Gates. They are portals for Ascension. To connect to them allows one to enter the higher Dimension. With the Activation of the Sedona City of light..Heaven on Earth is here !!! On Solstice, we as a Collective group will activate the Sedona city of Light. We will take these energies and via the Ley lines, connect to all Cities of Light. Through this work we will send healing energies to areas of the World in need, with our highest intention for Planetary Peace and Liberation . We are gifted with personal healing energies. Begin to feel yourself connect with energies and set intention for that which you wish to receive in healing. With the link provided you will see all the New technologies that are soon to be available. thegoldenlightchannel/the-sedona-city-of-light-…/ https://youtube/watch?v=_h2N8pUnCO0 https://youtube/watch?v=q6znsGIsgBw#t=14 MEDITATION AS FOLLOWS... ACTIVATION AND HEALING THROUGH THE SEDONA CRYSTALLINE CITY OF LIGHT.WINTER SOLSTICE 2014 We intend to combine our energies with the forces of light of hollow earth.The groundcrew on the surface and the forces of light in the sky(galactic Federation of light) and GAIA/Mother Earth. We (Participants Global Leyline project are keeping this meditation plain and simple to prevent misunderstanding. Greet Gaia with heart and respect.. Connect to the upwards spiral provided by the Sun and ascended Masters of hollow Earth. Next, feel the downwards spiral provided by the outer Sun and the many Starships. Feel these spirals connecting in your heartspace enacting your merkaba field and feel your energy field pulsating outwardly, freeing up your heart space. Ask Mother Earth to connect you to the Arc of the Covenant. - Imagine, entering the Great Piramid of Gizeh (a Powerful generator). Feel the the pyramids energy amplifying your merkaba field (energy filled) full capacity !! - Then connect to the merkaba Crystal placed near the Palestinian/Israëlian Border. See your energy flowing towards the Crystal and connecting to it. Knowing,(feeling) that the energy flows back to you when you are still in the pyramid. Feel the Loveforce empowering you even more and your energy becoming alike...( you and the crystal are both Crystalline transmitters and receivers connecting to each other. - Imagine the energy flowing through the rose dragonlines towards the south of France. Next connect in Paris....connect to one on the many the twinstar vortices (LOUVRE MUSEUM), which corresponds with the energies Galactic male and Galactic female in your new chakra system. Stay there for a while and relax to integrate the energies.. _ See your energy flowing towards the United Kingdom and flooding the leylines and flowing towards Ireland. Connect to Tara Hill and activating tara Hill more! Create an upward spirals, reaching for the Forces of Light. - See the energy crossing the Atlantic Ocean towards America, flowing through New York , Washington......enacting all leyline nodes, vortices/obelisks and twin star vortices. -Then, we imagine the energy flowing towards Sedona enacting the following vortices with the correct codes aligned to Love(source). See the energies creating upwards spirals towards the higher self of Sedona:...the City of Light (Galactic Federation):THE NEW JERUZALEM . Feel your Thymus Chakra (connection to higher self ), glowing when making the connection. Feeling the NEW JERUZALEM... Providing the downwards Spirals and the codes of Heavenly Bliss..and therefore also coming into you system and therefore holding the light within..grounding it into Gaia. Welcoming the energies of Grace back to Gaia and there for in the self. - See the energies of the NEW JERUZALEM flooding the Dragon Lines and connecting to the Crystal of Thoth, to ground this energy to stay...manifest.. _ Imagine the energies of the New Jeruzalem flowing back through the Leylines to the Merkaba Crystal at the Palestinian border....and the enacting the Stargate of the DOME/JERUZALEM...... We imagine these energies flooding the leylines of the World and enacting the golden templates that connect the leylines. With respect, gratitude and love for our Mother Earth/Gaia. We ask/intend her to Copy the data/energy of the New Jeruzalem and activate the energies of All Light Cities to come !!! First the energy and then the full manifestation. Merry Christ-mass awareness!! With Love and gratitude for your loving commitment towards freedom. Auriël and Hilda NAMASTÉ p.s The locations of certain crystal and the Arc of the Covenant are not always revealed for safe keeping.It is up to us to ask Gaia to connect us to energies we wish to experience.The healing energies will be felt through this meditation. https://facebook/events/842404092449779/ Synoptic Overview The Dragon-Rose Line begins at the major vortex of the Great Pyramid of the Giza Plateau. It then proceeds over the Mediterranean Sea to the Rennes Le Chateau region in the South of France. Here it joins the Paris Meridian, which intersects a double star, Twin Vortex Star Gate. Jesus accessed the energy of this sacred Rose Line when he spoke the dialogue of the Piste Sophia. From Southern France, the Dragon Rose Line follows the Prime Meridian up through Paris on its way to Stonehenge and Roslyn Chapel of Scotland. It then crosses the Atlantic to Oak Island, on the Eastern Shore of North America, and from there moving Southeast to the Great Salt Lake region of Utah, where the great Mormon Tabernacle is built according to many of the same sacred, geometrical principles as the great cathedrals of France. This ancient Rose Dragon Line then drops straight South, passing through what was once called Cibola, the mythological cities of gold also known as the Treasure of El Dorado. Continuing South the Line reaches Sedonas magical Oak Creek Canyon, then passes through Sedonas Airport, Cathedral Rock and Bell Rock Vortexes: From Sedona it continues down to the Isle of Magdala in Baja California, where it becomes one of the Quetzalcoatl Serpent Lines of the Americas, empowering such sacred sites as Uxmal, Dzibalchen, Palenque, Monte Alban. The energy of the Rose line in Mexico was accessed in earlier times at the Ancient Serpentine Wisdom Academies of Teotihuacan, close to the 19.5 latitude. From Mexico we flow down through the Sacred Sites of Central and South America, including Tikal in Guatemala, the Nazca Lines, Hayu Marca and Machu Picchu in Peru, Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, Easter Island off the Coast of Chile and the Motto Grosso Amazonian Jungles of Brazil, the heart and source of the Quetzalcoatl Dragon Lines. -- Amarushka amarushka/dragon-rose-line.html
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 12:18:57 +0000

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