Blinded By Vengeance Part 150... Honey! Come on! we will be - TopicsExpress


Blinded By Vengeance Part 150... Honey! Come on! we will be late! Grace yelled Babes..I am almost done..when you took 20 hours getting ready, I didnt complain! Women! Peter yelled from the bedroom and the ladies burst out into laughter. Thats my husband Grace said He is silly..just like my Ronaldo Diana replied It makes sense..they are buddies Grace said Peter was done ten minutes later and came out looking elegant. Etse..ano where are we going? Diana asked Its a suprise Peter replied Yeah..we just quickly dropping of the kids at my Moms place and we go Grace said After they dropped of Graces children, Peter drove straight to the Windhoek Country Club and Resort. Oh my...what are we doing here? Diana asked as they drove in Patience little missy..patience Grace replied. Peter parked his car and they walked towards an open space which was dark. Why is it so dark? Diana asked. Suprise! and Happy birthday! She heard different voices yell and there was light which came in different colours everywhere. She looked around and saw all familiar faces. Delaine and Joe, Barry and his girlfriend Lucia, Her mother-inlaw and Dad in-law, Julia with her boyfriend Lukas,some faces she couldnt remember and last but not least, Ronaldo in the centre with a bottle of champagne in his hand. The place was beautifully decorated as if they were having a gala dinner. Oh my Diana managed to say Ronaldo walked up to her and held her hand. This is why I have been avoiding you all day my love..happy birthday and may the Lord bless you with many more years to come to give me plenty children He said and she laughed. Oooooooh.. The crowd awed in amazement. This..oh, Ronaldo..this is just too sweet..I dont know what to say She replied and felt tears roll down her cheeks. Oh suppose to be happy He said and wipe them off I am..thank you so much She replied and embraced him. Everyone began clapping and cheering for them...
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 16:39:24 +0000

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