Blinded Have you ever wondered why the crowds came to see and - TopicsExpress


Blinded Have you ever wondered why the crowds came to see and hear Jesus? Was it because of His miracles, or, His message? Some people came because they were simply curious. (Lk 9:9) Both John and Matthew revealed that some people came only to criticize Him. (Jn 10:20; Mt 9:34) Then there were those people who came confused. (Jn 7:12) And, there were those who came with their afflictions to be cured. Such were the blind, the deaf, the mute, the leprous, and all who suffered various miseries. From the gospels we note that Jesus offered sight, hearing, and a voice. He relieved the sufferings of multitudes with His gentle touch. He also comforted sinners by forgiving their sin. What a Savior! As it pertains to blindness, we must remember that there are two types of blindness: Physical and Philosophical (Philosophical blindness is: spiritual, mental or rational, and moral blindness). We would do well to pause and think about the causes of blindness for a moment. First, God smote some men with blindness (Gen19:0-11; 2 Kgs 6:18; Acts 9:9; Acts 13:4-8) Second, some people went blind as they aged. (Ge 27:1, Ge 48:10, 1Sa 3:2, 4:15) Third, others were blinded to due to physical afflictions (Eye injuries; infections; cataracts). Fourth, Samson allowed himself to be blinded because he made the wrong choices. He played with God’s anointing. He took it for granted. (Judg 16:20-21) Lastly, unbelievers are blinded by “the god of this world.” (2Co 4:4) The good news is Jesus still heals blindness. Bartimaeus offers an example of one who refused to be denied an opportunity to be healed of his blindness. We read his story in the Gospel of Mark. There we are told that he did four things in order to be healed: (1) He cried out to Jesus, “Have mercy on me!”; (2) He did not allow criticism to stop him; “many charged him that he should hold his peace:”; (3) He was consistent; “he cried the more.”; (4) When called by Jesus, he cast away his beggars garments and came. What an illustration!!! What an encouragement!!! We too can come to Jesus when our way seems dim or dark. He will lead us in His light.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 11:05:29 +0000

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