Bliss happens the moment when body, mind, spirit, soul are as one - TopicsExpress


Bliss happens the moment when body, mind, spirit, soul are as one and in perfect harmony with one another. In the beginning then, those volunteers that decided to partake in the first experiment on this planet – remembering here that they were fully aware of the assimilated nature of their environment – started the building process. Big cities and dwelling arose, almost overnight. Highly sophisticated technology was used as mostly, as by now the ley-lines, the grid lines and the Matrix had been completed. The energy source that fed this whole system of interconnected-grids was the Huge Crystal Temple of the Great White Flame. This was the power source – it emitted hugely potent energy with was emitted from a massive pure white quartz crystal in the middle on the temple, and over this then, a huge structure, with two crystal pyramid forming a Star of David, and then the whole complex completed the circle. Thus one pyramid was suspended from the sky, or the ethos, and one coming up, with its base 422 000 ft underground – thus you had the two merging within a circle – this inner circle then was where the massive crystal emitting the white flame stood. This whole structure was so powerful, that tapping into this source could help you to literally materialize and dematerialized yourself and anything else for that matter – making all weightless – a floating mass of molecules – and then teleporting this to wherever you wanted and placing it where you needed it, and yourself to be. People have often puzzled at how great structures or monuments of the nature of Machu Piccu or the Pyramids could have been built. The stones weighing a few tons, and then placed in such a way that no knife can come between the two stones in position. This was done by tapping into this massive energy grid with your MIND – and this thus enabled you to move massive stones – cut them to precision and then move them into place exactly where you needed them – without needing machinery at all. In this way the mind created – and controlled the outcome. So, whatever you created in your mind – BECAME. This often confuses people, as no written records or drawings could ever be found of these sites. Yet when all is stored in crystals, and memory banks and pure mind control is used to create – one does no need the written language as this is simply not necessary. (Judith Kusel: an excerpt from chapter 3 of my books: WHY I WAS BORN IN AFRICA – THE IMMENSITY OF BEING REVEALED) The photos: Gold objects found in on top of the Mapungubpe Mountain in the Kruger National Park. My brother was one of the archaeologists involved with this project and he showed me gold beads which they found there – as small as a pins head, perfectly round with a hole in the middle – magnificent and high tech involved in making this.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 17:33:49 +0000

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