Blog #3 The whole point of a blog is to elicit comments, - TopicsExpress


Blog #3 The whole point of a blog is to elicit comments, spawned from the material being read. While a blog is in essence a personal thing, an online diary of sorts, the whole medium of sharing your personal life sans intimate details, is quite a delicate task. You are writing for yourself first off, then balancing in your potential audience. Its fiction, but its not. Its up to the reader to decide. I have three things I want to spew about, get it out and be done with it, and when I think about where my words will go, I see the need to not care, and I reach over and flip the non-censored switch. Yep, I have one of those wired into my USB port. Here we go...... Itll be time to harvest honey in about 2 more weeks. Im guestimating about 300 pounds this year. I checked the hives tonight, and noted the progress on all 7. I was gonna take a pic of the stacked supers, after we were done, but as I clicked the pic, my phone died. Thats a sign that pics will have to wait. It wasnt supernatural, BTW, it was a result of a severely low battery. My phone was blowing up after an already heavy day of usage, and in a bee-suit you cant just stop and check your phone. The touch screen on my model doesnt work through gloves, and it was inside my suit as well, and theres no way in hell Im going to unzip my suit to check my phone. Some things just have to wait. Then my daughter whos just turned 18 in what seems like a lifetime ago asked me last month if I would do a Ouija Board with her. Her friends were all scared to try. She wanted to learn/experiment/inquire. My immediate response was Sure. A few weeks went by, and she finally bought a board at the local Toys-R-Us. She told me, quizzically, that it needed batteries, but she had bought them as well. I chuckled. Naw, closer to a belly laugh, hidden. She lives with her mom and step-dad, a previous marriage, yet has her license, own car, etc, and is absorbing the world. She works two jobs currently. Shes also an idiot, and gullible. So I pulled out my Scrying mirror when she came over to try her Ouija Board, telling her it would allow us to see whatever we summoned. It went out to the left to reflect the board. She was enthralled, captivated beyond measure as I explained everything. We had to light 3 candles, placed around the room to form a protective triangle around us, and stay within the triangle while we used the Ouija. Hook, line, and sinker. It gets better. She opened the box, took off the plastic wrap, and open the case. Inside was the board, the planchette, and instructions. She also had brought her own screwdriver to open the case on the planchette, and carefully inserted the required 4 AAA batteries. She screwed the cover back on. She set it on the table, and I looked at in disbelief. Modern planchettes are HUGE, with four legs, and glowing lights. Yep, they run on batteries. This was not what I was expecting at all. Older versions of talking boards had lightweight planchettes with 3 legs, wafer thin, and design to float. This thing was close to being a transformer toy. Youd press on it, and eerie purple lights would light up in varying intensity depending on the pressure, and I was waiting for it to move, but knew itd take a spirit on steroids to move it. I looked at it, looked at her, picked it up, floated my fingers across the legs, set it on the board, and gave it a wee nudge. It didnt budge. Basically, a frikken brick. With batteries. We lit the candles, turned the lights out, and touched our fingertips to the planchette. To my surprise, it lit up with an eeire purple glow. Softly, I told her. Too much pressure. Youre activating the microswitch in the base. The light went out, and I was left to ponder in candlelight. For a moment. This Ouija stuff isnt something to play with. We talked, asking spirits to appear, but the brick didnt move. We did discover the purple LED charges up the glow-in-the-dark paint on the board, and it was cool to see all the hidden writings they paint onto them. It finally stayed lit after vigorous manipulations. Oh, it looks like we have one now, I said. The light is staying lit! Of course, the microprocessor chip is on a delay, and sure enough, it went out after a few moments no matter our coaxings. Her response? So I basically spent $21.95 on something that doesnt work? Mine? Yep. Lesson learned? Nod. Priceless. I did take the opportunity to explain the Scrying mirror, and we spent some more time talking about Scrying, how it works, and spent 5 minutes gazing. Not a bad night after all. So yeah, the third current event is about this job op that was presented to me, 16 hours/wk but paying 50 USD per hour. YES! I finally get to be a dancer in a strip club! Not really. Its a sysadmin job, PT, Linux based, right down my alley. A bit of on-site setup, then the rest remote admin. Deets to follow, of course, but its caught my attention. The spec sheet for the position is well within my geekiness, and I cant really say no because this op is just a doorway. Itll take a change in my mentality and void my vow of poverty, but there are other events upcoming where I have to step Out of the Box and re-adjust my thinking. Im good with that. Theres been many new friends Ive met of late, and if they can go out of their comfort zone, so can I. Thats the thing about listening to others. I produce an internet radio show as a hobby, but the people Ive talked with have an opinion, and they can verbalize it. Its in the edits that you hear what people have to say, and after 5 seasons of 8 shows at 2 hours per, thats 80 hours straight of different folks stating their opinions, and Ive been listening. Sure, they all have disparate backgrounds, they all have different voices, and they all have different opinions. What Ive realized is this: Ive never wanted to become anything other than a normal human being. Im content with a simple life, a few close friends, a decent job, and my bills paid. Ive shaped the box Im in, and it provides comfort. For me, theres no reason to change, or take on new responsibilities. Save...... Save for the challenge it provides. To that I say, LIFE, bring it on! YOLO.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 06:09:15 +0000

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