Blood Moons/Solar Eclipses Blood moons are a sign to Israel - TopicsExpress


Blood Moons/Solar Eclipses Blood moons are a sign to Israel that judgment/event is coming to its nation/the Jewish people. We know from Bible prophecy that, a false peace agreement is coming - Daniel 9:27, Isaiah 17 war is coming, Psalms 83 war is coming, and the Ezekiel 38/39 war is coming, Isaiah 19 will be fulfilled. The signing of the (Daniel 9:27) peace agreement is coming, which will be confirmed by the coming antichrist; The signing of this agreement between Israel and her Arab neighbors will reveal the antichrist and usher in the last seven years of Tribulation/existence on earth as we know it. The solar eclipse is a sign to the nations of the world - the last solar eclipse was on November 3, 2013. Just as the blood moons indicates a/an judgment/event these solar eclipses are a sign to the nations of the world that a judgment/event is coming to the Gentile nations. Gods wrath and judgment against the world is coming!!! One major event that must occur prior to the seven year Tribulation is the rapture of the Gentile Church/Bride - the Age of Grace will be over!!! Are you saved??? Accept Jesus Christ NOW, as your Lord and Savior and escape the coming judgments!!!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 23:59:11 +0000

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