Blood Rage Act 3 This script does not represent the views, - TopicsExpress


Blood Rage Act 3 This script does not represent the views, opinions or beliefs of Supernatural or Warner Brothers and I do not claim ownership of Supernatural or it’s characters. The character Lesley Mellantha, known as Mell, is an original work by and property of Laura Morse. The story content in this script is original work by and property of Laura Morse. The character names used in this script are randomly generated, and are not a depiction of attributes for any persons with the same name. “Blood Rage” ACT THREE EXT - HOSPITAL PARKING AREA - DAY The parking lot is crowded with cars and extends a great distance. ANGLE ON: the hospital, as Dean enters view, as he steps out a doorway and stops just out of its swinging path. Dean stands, panning the area as the door closes behind him. TURN AND NEAR: Dean, as Mell enters his line of sight. Mell is standing out away from the hospital, fingers laced together and setting on the top of her head. Her head is tipped back, as if she is looking at the sky, and her elbows are angled forward. TRACK: Dean, as he heads towards Mell. ANGLE ON: front of Mell. Dean is almost to Mell DEAN What happened in there? Sam is laying on the sensitive charm as thick as he can to try and calm people down in there... (has closed the gap between him and Mell, stepping up to a front-side angle to face her.) I know your not a Reaper or an Angel, so what happened in there? MELL She was... (looks almost pained) She got a glimpse of Hell, just leave it at that. DEAN Is she gonna be okay? MELL (looks as though shes thinking about it for a few seconds.) Shes not going to die a Berserker if thats any comfort... (lowers her arms to her sides, but doesnt turn to totally face Dean.) When she tried to pull me off the bike I was riding, I had to climb onto hers. I must have broke the charm loose in the struggle. (makes a face of distressed disbelief) She actually tried to bite me. DEAN If its the Charm on the necklace thats causing the Berserking, we need to find it. MELL I think I know where it is. (glances to the side quickly in thought) Roughly... Mell looks at Dean with an expression to indicate shes not joking. MELL I need to pick it up when we find it, I have something that will protect me from it. Sam quickly enters view behind Mell. SAM (with noted urgency) We need to leave. EXT - ROUGH TERRAIN WOODED AREA - EVENING The woods are that like you would expect for use with mountain bikes. Sam, Dean and Mell are walking slowly through and area, a fair distance between each other. Sam bends down and works to retrieve something from the thick clingy leaves. MELL If you see it, tell me and Ill get it. Sam stands with something in his hand. SAM I think I found it. Mell looks up to try to quickly locate Sam. MELL Where? Mell spots Sam as he raises his hand and begins to look into the palm of his hand at something, changing its position with his thumb to better see all of it. Mell sees this and her expression becomes one of realized inconvenience. Mell takes a deep breath before she starts towards Sam. MELL Please tell me you didnt pick it up. Sam takes on a somewhat childish air. SAM What? Ive got it. Its fine. Mell steps up to Sam, now within reaching distance, but does not come any closer. MELL You need to give it to me. SAM (childlike and somewhat insecure) I can hold it just as good as you can... Mell is very calm, and has an almost disappointed look on her face. MELL (quiet and calm) You can hold it better than I can, I know. (holds out her hand.) You should let me hold it anyhow. Sam holds it away from Mell as he looks a bit upset. SAM (angry and childish) I found it. Ill hold onto it. Mell lets her head tip forward as she sighs. SAM (CONTD) (defensive and childish) You think youre a better hunter than I am. Dont you. Dont you! Mell tilts her head to the side a small amount, but doesnt raise her head to look at Sam. MELL (somewhat monotone) No, I dont. Im not even really a hunter. I just cant cut it. SAM Thats right you cant. Thats why I found it and you want it. MELL Sam. (looks up at Sam.) Please give me the Charm. DEAN Just give her the Charm Sam. SAM If either of you want it. Youll have to take it. MELL Thats what I was afraid of... Mell looks at Sam, who is now holding the Charm out, pinched between his fingers, as he teases Mell and Dean with it. MELL Like climbing a tree I guess. A moving tree. (Mell turns to look at Dean) Dean looks as though he is deciding if he should go pummel his little brother or not. MELL (CONTD) I promise I wont hurt him... (Action happens very quickly) Mell kicks her right leg up and across to snag Sams right (Charm holding) arm. She uses her foot to pull his arm down and give herself lift, as she jumps towards Sam, turning her back towards him. Mells back impacts Sams chest with a solid, but not forceful hit. She bends her right leg at the knee as she impacts, to hold Sams arm in place. As his arm is still and she is blocking his view and other hand from stopping her, she reaches out and snatches the charm from his fingers. Mell straightened her leg, reaches back to push Sams arm from her path, and drops to the ground. Mell quickly steps away from Sam and turns to face him. MELL (to Sam) Please tell Dean I didnt hurt you. SAM What just happened? DEAN I saw it and Im not sure. MELL I had a feeling the Charm might have greed complex. It makes you want to keep in close to you, even have it against your skin. It gives you that feeling that you are better because you have it. DEAN I was talking about that Charlies Angels move. MELL (looks a bit confused and possibly concerned.) If this, Charlie. (is now more distraught as she speaks) Is some one holding Angels captive, maybe we should work on, (Mell attempts to make a stern face) ganking him next. DEAN No. Charlies Angels the... (Dean makes a “she really doesnt know” facial expression) Never mind. MELL We need to figure out where the Oni, is and how it can be killed, before it comes looking for its Iron Club. (looks a bit lost in thought) I thought it would be a lot bigger. SAM I thought you said the Oni was a demon? MELL It is. At least its supposed to be. SAM Why does it carry an Iron Club? DEAN Hes right, demons and iron dont mix. MELL Of course! (turns quickly to head away, but stops and turns back to Sam and Dean.) Come on! INT - WORKSPACE - NIGHT Mell enters the room quickly and heads to the table, Sam and Dean enter a few moments after. MELL Yes. (holds out a paper to them.) The iron level in the victims, was elevated. Sam takes the paper from Mell SAM They were athletes, they probably took iron supplements. These levels arent that high. MELL Whats the medical note at the bottom of the page say? SAM Suffers from anemia. MELL They had clinically diagnosed low iron. Thats a high level, even with Iron supplements. SAM What does a high iron level have to do with the Oni? MELL The Club Charm is made of iron, but its light enough that its most likely hollow. Its like you said, Demons and iron dont mix. (takes the paper from Sam and sets it quickly on the table and then pulls the Charm from her pocket. Then holds it so they can see, but doesnt come too close to them.) The Oni, seals some of its tainted demon blood in the Charm, using a thin coating of iron to hold it in. (Mell points to a place on the charm, where you can see that it is warn thin.) The persons sweat eats away the iron, and it enters their system. The coroner noted the discoloration on their necks and linked it to the metal chains. (Mell puts the Charm back in her pocket.) The demon blood is building pressure the whole time its held captive by the iron, so as the persons movement and sweating increases, the iron has had enough time to be thinned and weakened to let the blood escape, and. Well, demon blood can make a person do crazy things, especially when its trying to force their soul out of their bodys and into a demonic Charm. SAM If the souls attached to the Charm, then the Oni has to retrieve it to get their soul. MELL We just need to find someone that would have a cause to be near the victims after they died. SAM The coroner? MELL No, hes... (gives an unpleased look) Unusual, but not an Orange Eyed Goblin. DEAN How well can an Oni, blend in with other people? MELL As far as I know, they can hide the orange of their eyes, like any other demon can keep their eyes looking normal. The Oni, doesnt use a body though, it has one of its own. It is a demon of earth after all. The only thing that would make it stand out, Is that it should have White or thinly colored hair, even if its face looked young. DEAN There was a white haired Paramedic on the parking lot footage. He slips out the back of the tent about the time the runner died. SAM He could have taken the Charm and left. MELL We need to find that Paramedic. If he was at the events, he would have been given access to all of the victims after they first fell. You two poke around and see what you can find out, but dont go after it without me. DEAN What are you gonna be doing? MELL Closing up shop. Ill put your laptop in your room, and any drinks that are left. DEAN (stated) And thats it? MELL (nearly sarcastic) Did you want me to vacuum your carpet or something? DEAN No. I just dont want you going off and getting yourself killed without us. MELL (smiling) So its okay to get myself killed it youre there? DEAN Thats not what I meant. MELL (humored) I know what you meant. How else could I have teased you? Dean makes a realizing face. SAM I say we try the hospital first. MELL Can you pick me up a lollipop from the nurses station? (gives a teasing smile) Ill make sure not to die... INT - HOSPITAL NURSES STATION - NIGHT A run of the mill Nurses station. PAMELA STRIDE – 46, a stern looking woman, stands in scrubs talking to Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean hav FBI style suits on and are questioning Pamela. SAM ...Your certain that she was the only volunteer from your staff that helped at the race. PAMELA Positive. If you two are through asking me ridiculous and unusual question. I have a hospital to take care of. Pamela doesnt wait for an answer as she simply turns away and goes to work at something. SAM Thank you for your time... Sam and Dean turn to leave, but Dean starts down a hallway instead of heading for the exit. Sam heads to follow Dean, who stops just in the entrance of the Hallway. Wallace Heckly enters hallway in a janitors uniform. DEAN Thats the Paramedic... Wallace (the Paramedic) stops, turns to see that Sam and Dean are looking at him and then takes off running down the hall away from them. Sam and Dean head after him, a nurse yelling at them as they speed away. INT - HOSPITAL HALLWAY The hallway is a service like hallway that leads to the maintenance rooms and laundry. At the end of the hallway in the background, Wallace enters quickly. He crashes into the hallway and speeds toward the camera. Eyes flash to orange a few short times as he speeds up. A few moments later, Sam and Dean enter in background in a similar hurried manner. Wallace runs to camera, blocking out shot with the color of his uniform. MATCH SHOT TO: same colored door, tight on. Door swings open to reveal- EXT - BACK RECEIVING AREA - NIGHT There is a loading bay, closed up for the night, and a single door. The lighting is only bright enough to allow the security camera to see the two door. TRACK- Sam and Dean as they exit, stopping as soon as they are out into the poor lighting. ANGLE ON: direction that best shows Sam and Dean, as well as a good deal of their surroundings. They quickly take defensive poses, positioning so that their backs are to each other. They are panting mildly as they search the surrounding darkness for Wallace, turning so that their backs are never exposed to the darkness. After a short but thorough glancing search, Sam and Dean look at each other and shake their heads no, realizing Wallace is long gone. PULL BACK INTO DARKNESS FAVOR ON: the back side of a solid object (tree, building wall or similar), where Wallace is standing, back to object, turned looking away from view (behind himself)as he is watching Sam and Dean. Wallace turns towards camera, his eyes are almost glowing orange, blood veins are prominent in his eyes and exposed skin. CUT TO: BLACK (BLACKOUT) END ACT THREE
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 04:26:58 +0000

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