Blood pressure,what exactly is ? Kailash ch Sabat-7207884783 1. - TopicsExpress


Blood pressure,what exactly is ? Kailash ch Sabat-7207884783 1. Stiffening of the Arteries. When the blood vessels aren’t able to expand with increased blood flow, blood pressure increases. This is common in arteries lined with semi-rigid atherosclerotic plaque. Any thickening or stiffening of a large or small artery will cause more pressure against the walls of that artery. 2. Clogging of the Arteries. Whenever there is damage to the inner linning of the artery (the endothelium), which can come from many sources, then cholesterol comes in to patch up the damage. Sometimes cholesterol is a good guy – but like an innocent bystander found at the scene of the crime, it is blamed as the primary cause incorrectly. Optimum cholesterol levels should be between 180 mg/dl and 200 mg/dl. Cholesterol is vital for your brain, all your steroid hormones, cell membranes and more, so cutting it out won’t help. High Blood Pressure Remedy: Vitamin K. Calcium is a basis for plaque formation. Vitamin K2 (M7) at 200 mcg to 1000 mcg or 1 mg a day will help redirect that calcium to the bone and thereby help with reducing atherosclerotic plaque and will also help reverse osteoporosis. 3. Dietary Factors. Excess Salt Intake. The kind of salt you buy in a store is not salt at all, but sodium chloride; this is a salt by chemical composition, but because it lacks vital micronutrients, it is harmful to the body. Sodium chloride increases fluid retention, which puts more pressure against blood vessel walls and increases blood pressure. High Blood Pressure Remedy: Simply cutting salt out of your diet won’t be enough. If you starve your body for salt, your adrenal glands will just boost blood pressure to absorp the necessary salt. To lower high blood pressure naturally, shift to a natural salt high in minerals, 4. Inflammation. Inflammation has been linked to a seven-fold increased risk of heart attack and stroke, according to results from the Women’s Health Study published in Circulation in 1998. One pathway for this, according to researchers at Harvard Medical School, may be that inflammation in itself can lead to high blood pressure. A study published in 2003 in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that women with high levels of C-reactive protein (a marker for inflammation) were about 50% more likely to develop high blood pressure than women with low levels of C-reactive protein. One possible mechanism for this is that inflammation damages the blood vessels, and in the process of repairing the damage, the inner diameter of the vessel is decreased, leading to increased blood pressure High Blood Pressure Remedy: Inflammation is caused by eating a lot of sugar, processed junk foods, omega-6 oils such as corn, soy, safflower, and sunflower, which are already rancid even if it says cold pressed. Being overweight is another reason: fat cells signal the liver to produce C-reactive protein. To reduce blood pressure naturally, avoid the above foods and include at at least 8-10 organic, brightly colored vegetables and fruits every day, which helps reduce inflammation. 5. Chronic Stress. Lowering stress will decrease stress hormones and will reduce blood pressure. Yoga lowers blood pressure naturally by inducing deep relaxation in the body, which is associated with reduced nervous system activity and a feeling of well-being, probably due to an increase in antioxidants and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. High Blood Pressure Remedy: Yoga has a profound effect on mind, body, and spirit. The biochemical changes associated with yoga according to studies conducted in Sweden and India can lower blood pressure naturally by reducing stress and other risks factors for high blood pressure such as: obesity, high blood sugar, triglycerides, low HDL, and waist circumference. From this research, yoga shows great promise as a remedy for reducing high blood pressure naturally. • Toxins accumulating in our body tissues; • Poor nutrition; • Poor digestion; • Imbalance of the nervous system; • Accumulation of physical and mental stress; • Lowering of natural resistance and immunity; • Disruption of natural biological rhythms; • A hectic lifestyle; • Dosha imbalances; • Hardening of the arteries; • Obesity. Our level of yoga may not cure leprosy,cancer or TB but BP is supposed to be cured by yoga of our level. Once during practice of butterfly my right thigh suffered bleeding.I asked the doctor ,he told that is due to High BP.But I told that is not possible because regular yoga practice I do. Morning if you take Tulsi and neem leaf chewing in empty stomach and drink water from copper pot and eat kissmiss blood pressure is avoided. Surya vedi pranayam for low BP-Inhale through right nostril and exhale through leftin empty stomach upto 50 times. Chandra vedi for High BP-Inhale th left and exhale through right for 50 times. Anuloma viloma pranayam.-inhale in left and exhale th right and vice versa.upto 3-5 minutes. Kapalbhati-forceful breathe out up to 200 times. Vramari-Pranayam creating a sound of a humming bee Ujjayi-Inhaling in both with a frictional sound and exhaling in left up to 20 times. Sutra neti and jala neti. So aham ---feeling of breathing Evening walk Releasing the emotions as being carried/flown away from your mind Sitali and sitkari pranayam An article by kailash ch sabat-Enetrtaing India since last 12 yrs
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 10:37:12 +0000

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