{Bloody Love Story} a girl attacks my heart and cuts me up into - TopicsExpress


{Bloody Love Story} a girl attacks my heart and cuts me up into pieces it was so fast like a peregrine falcon with its vibrant wings but it was also cunning like how a dolphin bewilders fish by blowing bubbles into them it was strange because she has been so kind! but not anymore she cuts my neck first making my head fly and as it flies I realize my body doesnt like my head why not? it is okay my head says it feels no pain everything is great! but my body chooses to fight and soon it starts to shiver bit by bit and starts to thaw out so that nightmares become dreams! and then it plants its feet and stands up but like a tree it doesnt move until it recalls what has happened where is my head? it searches but in vain so it goes into the forest where the birds sing and their music make the body vibrate and the birds become its map when the body gets out of the forest it sees a desert it walks into it for a while but gets tired and falls the winds get heavy soon a sandstorm comes the body joins the twirls and is given a ride but it is dropped harshly and becomes covered in blood but it is not the first time not completely healed but enough and it heads out and sees the mountain it is tired to climb and so it takes a nap when it wakes up it realizes that the climb is not so easy and the cracks are filled with snakes but it can’t go back to the desert so it trains its legs start to feel like solid trunks and its arms become like that of a chimpanzees so that they are able to swing quickly and dodge the snakes the sun is rising and so the body takes hold of the first rocks and start its journey halfway through it gets tired finds a nice boulder to lay on and slows down its breathing then it relaxes its hands and feet almost to the point of paralysis and then all of the sudden the body feels a few droplets fall on the body”s chest it looks to the side and sees little waterfalls coming down the mountain and soon the whole boulder is covered with rain but the body is not scared! the rain collides with the rocks and goes into the body these particles of rock that the water brings maintains the spirit and physic! but it waits for the rain to stop and the rock to dry off when it does the body starts climbing again and soon reaches the clouds the foggy air makes the body sleepy and so it takes another nap when it wakes up the air is fresh and the skin feels good but then its hand slides on to some toxic waste and the body realizes it is his head why take this rotten head? it would not fit the new body anyways this body needs a new head! it looks around the clouds and touches a head with a solid chin and eyes that remind him of the ocean waves the he once had brawls with but then it feels hair that is long and smooth the body retracts and becomes paralyzed this is the girl that sliced me is she going to finish me off? but all of the sudden the body’s arms reach out and put on the head slowly and with the care that a wolf shows its brothers and sisters gradually blackness turns into many different colors but why is there a wall standing in front of me instead of the girl? i then turn and see a knife, hammer, and beer bottle laying down on the carpet and then the wall starts to crack and an opening is made i look inside and i see nails fly at me but my body grabs the hammer knocks the nails back into the wall and closes the opening but then i hear a thunder crack behind the wall and i take the knife i want to see what is behind the wall so i jump a bit so my chin is above the wall but a whip comes straight to my face i cut it in half! and then i tie the whip around the bottle and i decide to fish with it so i throw my apparatus over the wall and then i slowly lower it i hear someone touch the beer bottle and put something in i reel it back in and inside the bottle there is honey i like this honey and i think the birds in the forest would like it as well so i go down the mountain and it starts to rain again the rain was good to me so i decide to give it some honey the rain is surprised and asks don’t you hate me no i say i love you rain says okay and grants me a waterfall to ride down the mountain i take it and feel like an eagle soaring down i then reach the desert and again the sandstorm sucks me up but i decide to give it some honey the sandstorm chuckles and builds me a sandboard i speed through the desert trying to find the forest like a vulture i find some trees and they feel familiar and so I start whistling to the birds and they come out to me i feed each one some honey and they play a chorus for me i try to mimic their beautiful music but can’t i sight and decide to walk maybe the forest can teach me how to sing i see the creek and listen to the melody it creates and my body decides to go inside the creek the water flows into my feet a eventually at my chest i head for the top but i then come across a hummingbird that is laying still i offer it some honey but it shakes its head i reach out and carry the humming bird and i carried it like holding water with two hands and not letting it spill and occasionally i would lightly blow some air on it to cool it down my head remembers the creature behind the wall and wonders if it would help the humming bird it is worth the chance! so we travel back to the wall but when we get over it we see nothing except open fields of grass this hummingbird is dying and i have ran out of options but then i look at the bird and i see it shiver and then all of a sudden it plumps up and stands up in my hand and sings a tune a girl who has a great father takes the lead and becomes the chief of the tribe but then it turns out that her father was the main thief of the village she tries to make the people forgive her father but they are all filled with rage if they mention anything about her father being a thief she has crafted large snowflakes that slice people up and then the humming bird flies away i take a breath in and sight and then head to the village that is hidden on the way i see an ogre who is selling stickers and he tells me i should not visit the chief i dont understand but i have to see this girl! the ogre frowns i turn away and run past the gates i smell beautiful flowers, red rooibos, and coconut my body follows the smell and she is there in a garden but i cant see her so I get out my honey in a beer bottle and throw it at her but it was her guards camouflaged as her and there many more so pikeman and warriors on griffons start chasing me around but luckily my body is as quick as a pumas i break a door and see the girl i ask her did you slice me up? she looks straight back at me and says why would i do that! we were so supposed to wed! but you ran away! then she relizes that i have another head on and tells me that i better get the old rotten head back on if you had your old head she says you would have remembered to ask for my father’s approval before entering the village i look at her and she is very pretty she has her own pool and seems like a good belly dancer but if i marry her it is off with my new head and back to the rotten one this my body knows and my head protests! i still have the knife, and so I throw it at the girl’s head and her head explodes then her body and the guards all melt into gasoline puddles what did i do! i ask my body why didn’t you stop my head? if i interfered then it won’t have a companion i sight and see a purple liquid in a bottle with a round bottom which fell from a decent height but then it did not break was it 5ft or 10? but then the humming bird comes and plays me a tune go grab the purple “elixir” and go to the ogre and then again flies away i come out of the village and head to the sticker store but the ogre has also become a puddle i laugh my body isn’t very happy i carried that bird all the way during our journey and it tricked us twice and we haven’t achieved anything my head replies don’t worry leave everything up to me but then behind the counter i see a turtle in a cage and it is dying and i give it the elixir the turtle cries out in pain and goes back into the shell back in the forrest the humming bird becomes worried and chirps around in distress as for my body it becomes baffled but as well as concerned and asks my head how do i fix this? the head thinks and looks at the bird and it asks the body remember what we did when the bird got saved the body replies we were in the open field no you goose! we travelled the winds and the waters my friend! i grab the turtle and run to the forest then to the desert and up to the mountain then past the wall we get to the open grass field and the turtle is able to breath easier but still has a hard time oh yea we gotta blow on it and hug it and hold it like water we wonder and worry but then it starts to come out of the shell and then it licks my face we rejoice! the turtle tells me to sit down and tells me a story i was once your coach i trained you to skip, run, and fight as well as the traditions of our land but one day your did not listen to me and climbed a tree you slipped but did not fall but the branch fell on me i may be old and frail but at least i have this shell but my daughter saw this and transformed into a hummingbird and sliced you up with her beak the ogre tried to catch the hummingbird but instead he caught me we both laugh at this story how could a humming bird do all of this to me? i wonder but then i see the turtle jump in the waterfall and go for a swim i probably should find the humming bird i decide and so i go back to the forest and i ask the other birds and they say you will find the humming bird by yourself but you must first learn our tune i reply i can’t i tried before the birds counter with you gotta use your stomach more and then your chest will follow my stomach? i try it i breath with my stomach and then with chest i sight and think of the humming bird and how it helped me save the turtle i sing the tune with all my heart but to no avail and so i punch a tree which is brittle and old but it does not break instead it falls down i look at the tree and there is the humming bird on the top looking straight at me and then she turns into a girl i see her eyes my head says that they are just as beautiful as earth but my body replies your eyes aren’t that bad either yea but mine are more like the moon my body chuckles and the girl finds me peculiar i look at her face and find it intriguing and begin to panic i ask her why did you do this? she stares back at me you see i have a body too she replies my head thinks about this but my body goes and my head relaxes on her shoulder we hug each other and the memories return thee end
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 23:31:54 +0000

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