Blue Sidelights on front of cars legality. Published by - TopicsExpress


Blue Sidelights on front of cars legality. Published by kelvin130552 24 January 2012 . 1.2K Views . 1 Comment . 1 Vote I believe the use of blue sidelights on cars are legal. I have read the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989, on the website, and the only illegal use of blue lighting I can find is rear facing blue beacon lights. The only illegal light colour for forward facing lights is red. Please correct me if I have missed something but from what I have read in the regulations does not make the use of blue sidelights on the front of a car illegal. I have had an on the spot fine of £30 from a very friendly patrol policeman, who informed me my blue front sidelights are illegal and that only the emergency vehicles are allowed to have blue lights. At the time I took this to be fact and thanked him for his advice. The form he made out and handed me only stated that obligatory lights (sidelights) where not fitted. This cleverly avoided the fact the blue lights where fitted so I would be unable to contest that lights where fitted although not white. I feel this is sharp practice by the police and if I have interpreted the regulations correctly, the police are illegally fining the public and getting away with hundreds of thousands of pounds. I will finish off by stating I may well fit my blue light again and keep a copy of Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations handy in my car to discuss this with any other nice policeman, that pulls me over, and insist he quotes the actual regulation he considers I am breaking, before I accept a fine. I wonder how he would react?!!! just a little something so u all know blue side lights r leagle
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 21:44:32 +0000

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