Board Of County Commissioners - TopicsExpress


Board Of County Commissioners February 4, 2014 HAMILTON COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS The first priority to Economic Development as an entrepreneur or a planner is to identify and overcome obstacles to production and the market place. Thus I reserve my right to participate as I see fit and as law permits toward that end . Floridas Economic development lobbyist, officials and staff are not chosen for their economic development experience. They are chosen either for their access to government or their access to funding. I would find their collective and individual persona and professional ethic would compel suspicion and concern to virtuous would be job creators for our community. Floridas Economic Development Authority Members are chosen because they are submissive to Delphi Technique rubber stamping of policy and projects that anonymously benefit “pay to play” contractors. The members are for the greater part kept in the dark. Their “Handlers” tell them they are “experts” and that they are doing “Good” for their community. For a PHD to believe he is more of an expert on nest building than the nest builder he studies, is not an expert opinion. My extensive experience is in designing and building machinery systems for manufacturing production. I am experienced in discovering regional resources for opportunity and envisioning the method to produce products from those resources balanced to the available market. I am also an expert at defending Americas place in the market. My decades on the front lines in that effort have brought many hardships. There is some bad blood among officials in Hamilton County who remain loyal to the very people and organizations who have destroyed the Economy for most Hamilton County Residents. Before we can move forward this bad blood must be laid on the table and made clear and open as to who has what intent and who they wish to benefit. I would like to start by stating for those of you who do not already know, my perspective on Economic Development would greatly differ from others who participate in deciding the direction of Hamilton Countys economic development. It could be said that my perspective would differ 180 degrees from the members of the current Hamilton County Economic Development Authority and the organizations and individuals with which they commingle under concealment of anonymity. The first step I see in resolving this obstacle, is sunshine..! No More concealed dealing other than trade secrets for manufactures and entrepreneurs. Step Two would be; no more grant dollars for lobbyist with criminal histories. In many eyes, Hamilton County economic development now and for decades has suffered abysmal depletion for most. On the other hand, it has been a windfall in monetary, land and natural resource benefit for a select few. The Popular Allen Jackson music video, “ Little Man “ was filmed right here in Jasper over a decade ago. The footage shows Jasper was already a ghost town. As reflected in Jacksons song, it was common knowledge that “the little man” built many small towns like to Jasper. Jackson reflects, it was also common knowledge; “The Big Money took him Down” [us down] My business models are proven to work for building prosperous communities. But they dont work for ambulance chasers and the “big money” Global Corporate Complex (GCC) desiring by fraudulent debt and desperation to take down the “Little Man” and monopolize our world and our lives . They are predators. Mom and Pop, small manufactures and small independent farmers that grow healthy food are to them, “a nuisance”. My first priority is more than to build a prosperous community in spite of them. I will work to eliminate their influence from the market place and force them to redress the damage they have caused to Hamilton County Prosperity. Further, they are hording 4.7 million dollars of the Phosphate Severance Tax (PST) intended to assist in Hamilton County Economic Development. They use Lobbyist with criminal histories tied to corrupt big money. Hamilton County must take back the PST less it be used to further damage prosperity in Hamilton via further monopolization of resources essential to Hamiltons economic development. For my lawful and ethical efforts to this end I have been called both a Nuisance and accused of Slander by economic development staffers and one key to my efforts county official. I have been told by a County official that I have made bad choices. I have been raided , arrested, held under excessive bail and maliciously prosecuted for over two years by the very people responsible for destroying Hamiltons economy and stealing our natural resources for foreign interest. I have been forcibly removed from a government building to obstruct my engaging in commerce. In response to these travesties I have been forced to defeat eight judges, two States Attorneys, One State Senator, The Most powerful and corrupt Lobby organization in the State of Florida, The Florida Department of Law Enforcement, a Senate Chief of Staff and others who wished to shut down my exposing to the people what they must know if they wish to prosper in a healthy economy. They ran and hid when it was time for me to face my accusers .. yet they persist as if I had been found Guilty. My efforts will not again be obstructed under color of state law or by false accusation in the community or by fraud upon the court. I will not be forced to donate to Global Corporate Complex Lobbyist organizations as Hamilton County Development officials and the Multinational Lobby group representatives have demanded. . I will not be labeled with “slander” for advocating against GCC lobby groups and there lobby effort for our direct foreign competitors . I will not tolerate their public denial that they are in fact lobbyist for our foreign competitors. BENEFIT FROM THE USE OF ILL GOTTEN GAIN IS ITSELF ILL GOTTEN GAIN Hamilton County Development Authority has adopted “criteria” that stifle small businesses and Small farmers and cater to the GCC and the Global Big Agra Complex (GBAC) with agenda to monopolize all land and all natural resources. Restoring economic prosperity requires eliminating the extortion game of pay-to-play politics” that rendered Hamilton Countys communities Ghost Towns. Rural development must eliminate the concealed abuse of state systems and subsidies to facilitate monopolization of farm land to a select few pay to players that grow only GBAC toxic food. The same goes for our water resources “ARRESTED COMMERCE” IS NOT EXCLUSIVE TO HAMILTON COUNTY There exist no community, Hamilton County officials and entrepreneurs can use as a proven example appropriate for planning successful Economic Development. All of Americas community economies have been displaced by the Multinational Corporate Complex and its trade organization/lobbyist that with unlimited cash ( Ill Gotten Gains) give our state agencies their marching orders, dictate legislation and breach the independence of our Judiciary . Right here in Hamilton County honest small businesses are right now under attack by State Agencies with a mission to wipe them out and place their resources in the hands of the Foreign Corporations that lobby those very agencies under concealment of anonymity through “Secret“ Trade organizations. I therefore propose Hamilton County Officials consider a 180 degree change in course for economic development -and-, land use policy. WE DO NOT HAVE ANOTHER DECADE TO ACT CORRECTLY We are at risk of loosing our ability to pass the “trade skills of prosperity” from one generation to the next . Who will teach our future how to manufacture when foreign corporations using US Tax dollars under the guise of Economic Development have unbolted all examples of manufacturing technology from our factory floors and shipped them overseas ? Six short months from now unemployment checks from PCS will start to run out. The Corporation of Hamilton County itself is right now in jeopardy of bankruptcy. Hamilton County employees must understand that Bankruptcy of THE CORPORATION OF HAMILTON COUNTY will leave them without paychecks or pensions, insurance and vacations. We are all in this together ! PEOPLE NATURALLY WANT TO PROSPER Given the opportunity people will prosper. It is the biggest part of what has come to be known as “the American dream “. But the peoples enterprise can not compete with their own government officials extortion game of Pay To Play Politics. Kathy and I and the few other independent small businesses in Hamilton County that are and have been under attack via fraud upon the court and color of state law are good examples of what happens to those who by virtue refuse to bribe government officials also known as “Pay to Play” The Current Economic development community under the guise of “ Enterprise Florida “ is a corrupt criminal organization complete with New York Crime families , Multinational Criminal Organizations and criminally convicted lobbyist and corporations. They are a threat to Hamilton County Economic development that can not be ignored. Any and every small business that is independent of their crime ring is considered by them “ The Danger of a Good Example” and attacked accordingly by the coorupted state agencies and the courts which these criminals have bribed into their service. My approach is two fold. Remove Obstacles and at the same time Kathy and I have developed over thirty products that can be manufactured right her in Hamilton County starting from the ground up with what we can reasonably afford for start up. We will donate our experience in the manufacturing process to those willing to get to work and take responsibility for their own prosperity. x I am interested in negotiating for a Hamilton County Position to establish local prosperity. “PROSPEROUS MEN, LIVE IN PROSPEROUS COMMUNITIES “ (The Richest Man in Babylon) Bob Burton 386 938 4918 rburtonvs@gmail
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 16:38:51 +0000

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