Bob Proctor From The Secret, The 11 Forgotten Laws And On think - TopicsExpress


Bob Proctor From The Secret, The 11 Forgotten Laws And On think And Grow Rich By Kay Rozenberg Do you want to have the ability to attract into your life all the money and success that you desire? Do you want to live a happy and meaningful life? You most likely touched the tip of this iceberg with The Law Of Attraction, in its bestselling book and movie, The Secret. Essentially, to get whatever you want in this world - its as simple as asking for it and gratefully receiving it. Is it that straightforward? Unfortunately, many of us have been disappointed. There is one course however known as the 11 Forgotten Laws which has been on the market for a number of years.The 11 Forgotten laws goes above and beyond the basic principles associated with the law of attraction. It contains ten additional laws which experts claim will deliver much better and faster results when applied alongside the law of attraction. The individual laws contained within the course are the law of attraction, the law of thinking, the law of supply, the law of receiving, the law of increase, the law of compensation, the law of non resistance, the law of forgiveness,the law of sacrifice, the law of obedience and the law of success.Each individual law listed above has been designed to work in harmony of one-another as opposed to independently. When one combines these laws the flow of energy is increased meaning you can manifest your desires more efficiently and quickly. Many people have dismissed The Secret as flowery mumbo jumbo - new age hippy reason which doesnt really work. Bob Proctor suggests in his new course The 11 Forgotten Laws to develop a hunger for the knowledge that the film The Secret is based on. If it didnt work for you then find out why and where you were going wrong rather than simply dismiss the principles themselves. Deciding that the Law of attraction doesnt work after only watching The Secret several times is not really a true study of the subject. In fact giving up is the surest way to prove that it doesnt work! Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey suggest different strategies and detail some of the solutions to the difficulties people have when trying to use the principles taught in The Secret.I remember the first time I watched the movie The Secret a friend of mine gave it to me when I joined a network marketing company as part of our training. I have to admit it sat on top of the TV stand for about 6 months before I got around to watching it. Then one day I decided I was gonna check it out and popped it in the VCR. I remember thinking WOW, I can make my dreams come true - FINALLY! But as months went by and I still wasnt living the life I had dreamed and I wasnt building the successful network marketing business I had hope to, I began to have my doubts about this Law of Attraction stuff.I watched the movie over and over again and each time I got excited about the prospect of creating the life I desired, but still I wasnt getting the results I wanted.I was however able to manifest a new car for myself and my husband. That gave me new-found hope! If I could manifest a car, what else could I manifest... a life of abundance and happiness! Oh yes, I was excited again that I was going to use the Law of Attraction to have the life I desired! Or so I thought! Months went by again, and still I wasnt able to grow my business and generate the income I wanted. I was able to attract small things however, like thinking of a friend only to have the phone ring moments later, or think of a song and then hear it on the radio a few hours later but I still wasnt manifesting riches like I had hoped.I was frustrated that sometimes I could get it to work, but other times I couldnt. What was the trick or SECRET lol to this manifesting thing? Then I came across a product by Bob Proctor called the 11 Forgotten Laws I learned that the movie The Secret like many Hollywood movies left out a lot of stuff so they could just give the basics and a quick idea of what the Law of Attraction was. Bob explains that there are actually 11 Forgotten Laws and until you can master all of them the Law of Attraction wont work to its full. When we have learnt how to apply these 11 Forgotten Laws, we will be ahead of the crowd in every aspect of our life - finances, career, relationships. We will know how to handle challenges and achieve our dreams. We can break through our mental limitations that have been hindering us in the past. We tap into our hidden potentials that are always there, waiting to surface.However, the 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor program is not a magic pill. Its teachings will only work for those who are willing to put in their time, effort and commitment. The program provides the tools but you still have to take the required actions and make the changes before anything happens. Since The Secret was revealed, people became eager in seeking the truth behind the Law of Attraction. This law has been a driving force for people who are experiencing difficulties in life to achieve success. What most people forget or dont realize when trying to work with the Law of Attraction is that it is more than just mere wishing. It needs the right attitude, discipline, and action for it to work.The 11 Forgotten Laws is part of the Working With The Law program. Created by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey, it is a home study program that discusses the 11 laws of the universe and how to manifest them to your advantage. The reason why the 11 Forgotten Laws was created is to provide the missing components lacking in the conventional understanding of the Law of Attraction. These 11 laws expand on the Law of Attraction to achieve its great effects. The 11 laws are the principles that formed the universe and they do not work separately but together as one. This is the reason why a lot of people fail to manifest the power of the Law of Attraction because they do not realize that there are actually 11 laws to work with. PROS AND CONS: Although I could not find any faults with the product, some complaints I found from others were that it can be a bit overwhelming since it is very comprehensive and gives a lot of detail. Some wished that it had a step by step guide or summary after each lesson as to what actionable steps to way to overcome this is to listen and read everything over 2 to 3 times until it becomes clear, or reach out to the members forum and support desk. We all have setbacks in life and rather than give up and decide it doesnt work... reach out to someone who may have gone through something similar and will have the answer. Another complaint was that some wished it came as a physical product rather than digital... I personally like digital because I dont have to wait for it to arrive I have instant access, however; it is a rather large download and some may have slower computers or not the right amount of space. About the Author: Find Out more about The 11 Forgotten Laws and The Law Of Attraction ,now.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 12:23:47 +0000

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