Bobb Q on Ferguson, MO Not all Black men who are shot are - TopicsExpress


Bobb Q on Ferguson, MO Not all Black men who are shot are angels and no White officer who shot a Black person is a racist. Moreover, no individual and no organization should let themselves be driven by emotions to play the race card and no individual and no organization should rely on the media to get their information. Relating to the Ferguson incident, there is just one bottom line up front; a police officer shot and killed a teenager. Whether Darren Wilson was White or whether Michael Brown was Black should be irrelevant because there is a process to determine whether the killing was intentional, unintentional, and/or premeditated, whether it was self-defense, or whether it was committed as a result of recklessness. The beauty of America is that the law always prevails. The various protests happening right now are the result of people who want to take justice in their own hands. Worse of all, law enforcement personnel are unable to restore order or to protect lives and properties because their actions are being scrutinized by the liberal media, playing on people’ emotions to boost their ratings. No mother should burry her son and no one should take someone‘s life, even in times of war. Nonetheless, the people of Ferguson must return to their home to peacefully wait for the grand jury decision. Rioting, mutinying, insulting officers, etc. will not influence thee grand jury’s decision; it just gives the city a bad name. Let’s hope if Darren Wilson is to be indicted or accused, he be charged for murder at the right degree. The country does not need a repeat of the Trayvon v. Zimmerman’s case. This is the Bobb Q report
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 23:04:42 +0000

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