Body Betrayal: How to Cope with Chronic Pain and Illness - TopicsExpress


Body Betrayal: How to Cope with Chronic Pain and Illness “As long as you make an identity for yourself out of pain, you cannot be free f it.” ~Eckhart Tolle Each moment we are in chronic pain or illness, we can choose our attitude toward it. Here one pain patient shares seven tips shes learned along the way to help do a 180 from resentment to kindness. Do what you can. Focusing on all the ways you are limited brings on a case of the “poor me’s” lickety split. “Poor-me-land” is the most unfun place ever (for you and all the suckers who were unfortunate enough to get dragged in with you) so get outta there as quick as you can on the gratitude gravy train. Don’t do what you can’t. Being a martyr and pushing yourself to try to appear less weak to yourself or others is a recipe for disaster. So don’t be a hero. If it hurts or it will hurt all the more later, and you hear yourself saying, “I should” or “Im doing it anyway” that means your inner critic has barged in and is running the show. Be kind and go easy on yourself. Remember how delicate the balance is between under-doing and overdoing and say no when your body needs to rest. Stop trying to heal. The idea of “healing” brings to my mind someone who is sick, broken, less than good enough. What if instead of trying to heal yourself, you treated your body with absolute kindness? What would that look like? Of course you may still see your health practitioners but your intention shifts from getting someone to fix what is broken, to the ultimate in self-nurturing. Find pleasure. Illness is a drag, no doubt about it. But humor and pleasure are incredibly healing. Surround yourself with as much pleasure as you can. It doesn’t have to be grandiose or expensive. Simple pleasures every day can help alleviate suffering, whether it’s watching a comedy, using your favorite tea cup, being in nature, hanging with animals, or listening to your favorite album. Whatever works for you.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 07:12:18 +0000

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