Boehner Bounces Defectors from Posts in Revenge Published on Jan - TopicsExpress


Boehner Bounces Defectors from Posts in Revenge Published on Jan 7, 2015 John Boehner was narrowly reelected as Speaker of the House of the 114th Congress by a mere 11 votes. This was the largest rebellion by a political party against a House speaker incumbent since the Civil War. But instead of being humbled by such a shaky victory, he took revenge on Tea Party loyalists who led the palace revolt. Boehner bounced congressmen Daniel Webster and Rich Nugent from the Rules Committee with other key posts that may vanish if those chairmen dont repent and kiss Boehners ring once again. So John Boehner, who was so quick to cave in to Obama and other liberal Democrats, apparently views his narrow victory as a mandate to compromise even more in what many view as his style of snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory. So what was the point of winning majorities in both the House and the Senate if the House leader doesn’t look much different than a Southern Democrat? And what options will conservatives have now that moderate Boehner is empowered again as House leader? Will this be the end of clarion calls by conservatives for the Republican Party to use their majority to streamline government? Will conservatives cower in fear to take cover in the mushy moderate middle marking the end of the righteous rebellion? Will this new Boehner victory usher in 2 more years of more compromise and capitulation to Democrats and big government Republicans? Good questions. Lets watch and see.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 08:06:21 +0000

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