Boeing gave me a bit of a scare last evening. I was away for a few - TopicsExpress


Boeing gave me a bit of a scare last evening. I was away for a few hours, when I returned home I took him outside to do his business, everything was fine. When we got back into the house I noticed that he was trying to lick himself, then I saw what he was licking, a full blown erection! (Hes 14 months old and has been neutered) I told him to stop licking and put that away. He gave me a funny look, like I cant mom, he was humping nothing and looking very uncomfortable. 20 minutes went by and he began to look even more swollen and I could tell he was in pain. I called the emergency Vet. The Doctor told me to pour cold water on his penis and rub KY jelly on him, she said that sugar might help too.(All sorts of images going through my mind at this point.) I was told that if the erection didnt go away soon I would have to bring him to the hospital. She described some bad things that could happen if circulation wasnt restored to that area. As I was ending my conversation with the Doctor, I noticed that Boeing had returned to normal. What a relief!- for him too. His erection lasted about 35 minutes. Boeing is my first male dog, hes gotten excited from time to time, each incident only lasting a few seconds, never anything like this before. Is this common for a neutered dog? Could this be a reoccurring issue?
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 15:19:41 +0000

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