Boko Haram EXPOSED!!Boko haram is not amuslim terror group butits - TopicsExpress


Boko Haram EXPOSED!!Boko haram is not amuslim terror group butits a group sponsored byChristian Association ofNigeeria (CAN) to destroymuslims in d north andgive a bad image 2 islamin deyes of d world underd supervision of GoodluckEbele Jonathan. It wasform to achieve d aimsand objectives Iistedbelow.(1)They want 2 balancethe population of muslimsand xtians in nigeria.(2)our stupid president isfrom Niger Delta and hepromised hispeople 2take revenge againstnortherners concerningBiafran war.(3) Theywant 2discourage youngnortherners away frompursueing education inorder 2 get d dominanceof d country in d futuredatz why they are takingattack on only northernschoolsbcos in d next 50yrs our graduates will dieand d remaining willretire, if d younger onesdid not come up nobodywill talk on our behalf asa result dey can exercisedominance over muslims.(4) They want 2discourage our youngerones from participatinginto Nigerian forcesespecially army and policein order 2 get futurepower 2 over dominate dmuslims, my brothers plsobserve dis. In Nigerianarmyrecruitment schememuslims are getting 50%of d vacancies whilextians also get 50% buttoday muslims can onlyoccupy 5% of our vacancyand dat our remaining of45% is being given 2xtians wich is making aproportion of 95% xtiansand only 5% muslims in dNigerian army recruitmentif dis trend continuelikedat 4 d next 20 yrs afterour eldely armies retiredwe cannot enter mosqueand pray bcos army willkill us and claim 2 b killingboko haram member.(5) They started 2sacrifice their fellowxtians by bombingchurches2 cover up sodat wen they return 2killing muslims dey wil sayit is we muslims killingourself.How many peopledid they kill in church? Isit not less dan 500 from dcommencement of bokoharam? but more dan40,000 muslim werekilled.(6) My broad at least 50muslimsare dying in dnorth everyday. calculateit in everyday 50 aredying so 50x360 making ayear how many muslimswill die in 1year? andafter ten years d wholemuslim in maiduguri, yobeand adamawa will behistory.(7) If boko haram aremuslims hav u ever seetheir member arrestedand printed on d newspapers?.( If boko haram aremuslims pls use ur phoneand google dis question“bombing of madallahchurch inAbuja” and “bombing ofchurch in Bayelsa” u willsee d result from some ofour most reliable newspapersin d country I.eLeadership and Dailytrustwho were caught redhanded bombing doschurches is he not achristian?(9) if boko haram aremuslims is there nomuslimsin d south whydidnt they become bokoharam members. why is itdat dere is no bomb blastin d south?(10) If muslims are dboko haram why is it datwen Muhammad yusuffomer boko haram leadercame back from SudiArabia three famousleaders of CAN like TYDanjuma, Proff JerryGana and David Mark goand rcvd dis man from dAirport if he is notworking 4 them? And ifdey Really consider him asan enemy of xtians? Andwen he was arrested bySSS why those samepeople bailed him? May Allah helpthe Muslim Ummah!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 07:33:11 +0000

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