Boko Haram: We Are In Abuja, Shekau Says — April 20, - TopicsExpress


Boko Haram: We Are In Abuja, Shekau Says — April 20, 2014 Leader of the Boko Haram terrorist group, Abubakar Shekau yesterday, in another video message, claimed responsibility for the Nyanya bombing that claimed well over 70 lives, even as he warned of more attacks until his dream of an Islamic state was actualised. He also boasted that neither President Jonathan nor the security agents could arrest him, even though, as he claimed, he presently lives within the Federal Capital Territory. He said the Nyanya bombing and many others carried out by his group were a retaliation act for all the killings Muslims suffer across the world and in parts of Nigeria. In the video, Shekau appeared dressed in military camouflage, a black turban and with an AK-47 rifle slung across his chest. He was holding a thick “chewing stick” (local toothbrush) in his right hand and spiral-bound notepaper in his left. He started his speech by pointing the chewing stick and calling the name of President Jonathan three times, before saying, “You are just too small.” Shekau said, “We are the ones who carried out the bombing in Abuja in an area called Nyanya. [President] Jonathan you are a lame duck. Jonathan, you are too small for us.” In the video, he queried why the president would not say anything when Muslims around the world and in Nigeria were killed and dared him to find him if he could, saying he was right within the Federal Capital Territory. The video ended with footage of the destruction at the scene of the recent Nyanya bomb blast. “You (Jonathan) should know that we are worshipping God, that is why we are always victorious in all our attacks; if you are that wise and knowledgeable, why is it still very difficult for you to locate where we are up till date despite the fact that we are within Nigeria. Look at us, we are right within your city (Abuja), and you don’t even know how to find us. Let me tell you now; I am here, very close to you; I dare you to get me, if you can,” said
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 05:11:47 +0000

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