Bol RingBandak BC DengTut Tut Puok Law Daya Batim Moses Bandak Lam - TopicsExpress


Bol RingBandak BC DengTut Tut Puok Law Daya Batim Moses Bandak Lam Lul Luel Ruot Luak Upfront Ruot Aggrey IdriKier Kier Tang Nyalilit BatimSalva Kiir had a tribal #Agenda, how could anyone explain negligence of what supposed to be the bread and butter of our nation survival? He and his cronies got away with murder way before he Kiir Madrunkdit thought of the massacres of Nuer civilians in the so call capital Sin City Juba, the fact of a is if one promised to deliver services to civil population and than ignore their needs at the end, whoever that leader was or is should just packed up and go somewhere else, because he doesnt have the best interest of the country at heart. Salva Kiir Mayardit, the fake president of South Sudan who only came to power as result of some of the most acts of evil and devilish coincidentally from the death of Dr. John Garang, Kiirisis Madrunkdit assumed the power, having fake tears as though he was really hurted when Dr. Garang mysteriously died in an helicopter crashed, which remained me of that animated movie (The Lion King) when Mufasas brother name Uncle Scar setup his then King Mufasa to be kill by a herds of Buffaloes as he was trying to save his son Simba life which he did. Now Salva Kiir or unlce Scar Face took all the powers, ran Dr. Riek Machar and Mabior Garang De Marior out of the Pride Rock which is South Sudan, committed mass atrocities specifically on Nuer civilians trying to kill two birds with one stone, knowing Nuer will respond in major ways and like a gangsta wanted to send a clear message to any other community or tribe better think twice about dreaming of getting power from Kiirbola the mad dog president or simply wake your ass up... We all know from the time in which Salva Kiir took power, nothing has been done out side of Dr. Garang statue, which only seen the daylight because Kiir wanted to fool Dinka Bor Community specially those where Dr. Garang hailed from, but that is a different story for a different day. Uncle Scarface better known as Salva Kiir Mayardit neglected agriculture sector of our economy completely, and he was doing so in order to punish certain communities of South Sudan outside of his own region Bahr El Ghazal and his tribe the (Dinka). In my not so humble opinion, Kiir didnt want our country to be successful, roads and bridges werent build because they could lead into ordinary people make ends meet, folks would be able to provide for their family etc etc; in other words these possibilities would help the country at large instead of just few at the top or the tribally connected ones. Schools and hospitals werent given much attention because like roads and bridges, they will benefit everyone, Kiir chose to do away with all these because he knew that his immediate community will be going to schools outside of the country, they will be eating bananas foods from Uganda and just in case one general got sick from food poisoning, Womanizing Paul Malong Awan will be carted off to Germany for treatment, we dont have nothing here in South Sudan in terms of medical. ***Conclusion*** South Sudan is a body with 64 parts which mean 64 tribes, as we all know in our own body, we cant neglect some parts without facing any kind of consequences, for instance if have head ache, we cant ignore it just because our eyes arent hurting, whatever pain our right side of kidney has will be affecting the left side kidney as well and so on and so forth. Salva Kiir Mayardit killed so many innocent civilians in Juba particularly the Nuer, but Kiir also killed his own tribe even though it was mistaken, because we share scarcification, now people are dying every day for hunger due to his war, due to diseases and those are all effections of Kiir made disaster which are no longer Nuer problems but South Sudanese problems because neither diseases nor hunger kill on tribal line.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:01:07 +0000

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