Boldness by - Lynn Cowell For if you remain silent at this - TopicsExpress


Boldness by - Lynn Cowell For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your fathers family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? Esther 4:14 (NIV) My daughter reclined in the hammock, face in a book. She chooses to read stories based in history, where the authors words transport her to another setting when life seemed grander. She often says, Mom, I wish I was born in a different time and place. As a mom, its easy for me to slip into similar thoughts too. To look around, observe the not-so-positive changes in our culture and wish for the seemingly tranquil world of generations past. To lament over how easy it must have been to raise kids, take care of your family, and share your faith back then. These thoughts have discouraged me and sometimes left me wondering, Why keep trying? Its hopeless. Yet, when I read of Esther in the Bible, I am reminded that God has a purpose for placing me exactly where I am right now-in this time and place-just like He did for Esther. When Esther was a young woman, she was taken from her Jewish family and brought to Susa, the Persian King Xerxes fortress, for twelve months of beauty treatments. This was done to her and other women in preparation to meet the king so he could choose a new queen. Esther found great favor with the king and he appointed her the new queen. Despite her good standing with King Xerxes, Esther hid the fact she was Jewish. But when a plot to destroy the Jewish people was revealed, Esthers family member, Mordecai, asked her to intervene and request help from the king to save them. By law, no one was to approach the king without being asked. Doing so would risk being put to death. Plus, the king hadnt summoned Esther in 30 days, an indication he was losing interest in her. But Mordecai reminded her, ... if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your fathers family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14 NIV) Esther understood the greater good and risked her life on behalf of the Jews. God appointed Esther to be in Susa at that specific time to rescue her people from the potential destruction. A bold girl in the right place at the right time saved an entire nation from annihilation. Like Esther, we can trust that God has placed us where we are for such a time as this, for His purposes. Our assignment is important too. We are surrounded by people God loves and wants to rescue. Sharing Jesus with family, at our job, with our neighbors, and in our community could lead them to accepting Gods love. Jesus willingly gave His life so we could approach our King for eternal life. He asks us to share this new life with those around us. Today, lets boldly step out and make ourselves available to God just as Esther did. God surely can use us to free someone from despair as we share the hope of eternal life! Although its enjoyable to daydream about times past, the most important work we can do is today. Powerful and Wise God, You always know exactly what You are doing. Open my eyes today to see the rescue mission You want me to be a part of for such a time as this. Empower me to be bold! Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 05:52:13 +0000

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