Bomb Threat October the 9th, Thursday, 12.30pm I was sitting in - TopicsExpress


Bomb Threat October the 9th, Thursday, 12.30pm I was sitting in my teacher`s office when I received an SMS on my mobile phone. Apparently a bomb was discovered in the Northern part of the town I live in. The message was from my foreign teacher`s organization asking if everyone in the bomb area was okay and that they needed to avoid the Northern part of town. At first I thought it was some kind of a joke. A bomb? Really? In this small quiet, rural town? I immediately went and asked the school principal who confirmed that he had heard from City Hall a bomb has been found but because the place in question is far from the school there was no need to tell anybody i.e. the students and teachers to avoid a panic until further notice from the authorities. I am not the one to panic but instantly my sense of action and my years of security guard training kicked in. Questions ran through my mind: what kind of bomb? Are there more? Who was responsible for it? Terrorist? Cult group? Something left from WW2? Some manic making bombs and planting them around town? I put my Ninja skills into action. It`s better to be safe than sorry so I quietly went around the school on the lookout for any strange packages; people who weren`t supposed to be on school property; or anything that seemed strange. At 1.30pm we received an alert that everything was now safe. Apparently someone had discovered an old WW2 land mine probably left over from when the Japanese army trained troops to plant landmines. It had been declared safe to resume normal activities. Many years ago when I was doing some practice teaching at a high school in Australia while completing a masters degree in teaching. The school I was posted at also had a bomb scare. Someone had phoned into the school office and said there was a bomb. The procedure was to take the threat seriously and automatically the school was evacuated and the authorities were contacted. No bomb was found but the people who created the bomb hoax was. In Australia if someone calls in a hoax or threat by phone you do not hang up by putting the handset down on the receiver. It is then possible for the phone company to trace where the call came from. It came from someone`s house. A former student who was expelled from school for bad behavior decided to get some revenge but was stupid enough to call from home rather than from a public phone. You never know when or how your Ninja training will come into action. On this day it did and I am glad for it. Keep training and learning and sharing everyone. https://youtube/watch?v=i05w4-t7LvI koga ryu ninja demo
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 04:52:29 +0000

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