Bonjour comment vous vous portez? I hope it is well with you. Its - TopicsExpress


Bonjour comment vous vous portez? I hope it is well with you. Its the 7th day of our 31 days of wisdom and I hope that were all being blessed by it. Here are some thoughts of wisdom I had for Chapter 6: Verse 6 of todays reading talks about learning a lesson from how ants live. As the saying goes procastination is the thief of time, lets not be like the lazy man who always lies in bed. For how long will we be in bed? Lets rise to our feets now and do all the best we can in our youthful days. ~ Nelly Seven things the Lord hates and detests: Proud and arrogant people, liars, those who shed innocent blood, people who devise evil schemes, feet that rush into evil, false witness and one who stirs up dissention/disagreement/arguments among brothers. Which of these are you being troubled with? Mine had to do with the lying tongue and day by day the Holy Spirit helps me replace it with truthful lips. Note that your sinful nature doesnt leave at once, it took a period to accumulate, it will take time to leave. One day at a time, try to capture the moment when it happens(when you sin), notice it and at that instant ask the Holy Spirit to help you get rid of it. One at a time, day by day, well be able to make the transition from perversity to purity. ~ moi Stay blessed and Ill be sending Proverbs 7. 😇
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 06:42:32 +0000

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