Bonjour, sunshine! Im so excited that I dont even know where to - TopicsExpress


Bonjour, sunshine! Im so excited that I dont even know where to begin! Which is why Ive started + stopped + started my word share all morning. Combined with a few meetings in between its a miracle that Im able to compose anything coherent. And who knows? Maybe I didnt get there. All I know is that Im skipping to the Lou, my darling, + it has nothing to do with switching partners, unless you consider trading my old self for a new me because thats how I feel. It all started last night, though I had no idea at the time that I was in the midst of a major breakthrough, though I should have known something was stirring as I was super-charged energized to clear the decks even though there was no urgency to do so. Nary one deadline pending on personal stuff, but theres always energetic stagnation when my to-do baskets are full. Like they are...I mean...were, because my cyclone self kicked in + knocked a lot out. I wish I could clone her. But actually Ive long gotten over the need for an empty basket syndrome. Its just that the shove from above to dive in was so strong that I didnt ask any questions. I emptied. You would have thought I was a frenzied mess if you saw me. Joe sure did when he got home late last night as he caught me emptying the dishwasher instead of reading a book. I was simply + delightfully on a roll + didnt stop until after I flipped two pages of InStyle around 2 a.m. + then blissfully slipped into a deep sleep. It was the first full weekend Ive had in a long time to do anything, nothing, everything, something, whatever the eff I wanted to do or not. If I skipped the beach I couldve stayed in jammies all weekend, but that wasnt gonna happen. Need me some beach. Joe had shows three nights in a row, so it was just me + the kids. The only had-to was French homework but since thats in the for fun! column it doesnt count. So I did that + then I dawdled, doodled, noodled, napped. I created messages to post here, I scheduled others creative stuff to pop up throughout the week. I plowed through gmail, penned notes, perused Portland pics. I wouldve mowed the lawn if our HOA bylaws allowed it on a Sunday. Didnt want the lady on the bike pedaling up our driveway taking notes (Im onto you, woman! LOL) I did laundry + dishes + tagged most of our stuff with cute labels I recently picked up that tell us how to say whatever its affixed to in French. As I finally climbed into bed I smiled when I saw the un lit sticky note on the headboard. Another day, that much wiser. And so much clearer. I didnt realize the extent of the shift until I landed on the sand this morn. Yesterdays peaceful mist + vibe was still there. It seemed like a repeat until I looked down + noticed different types of shells + rocks, unlike yesterdays beautiful standard issue. Not only was natures bounty delighting my eyes, my head + heart were spinning. It was as if the stones + shells were speaking to me...making sure I grasped what was going on because it was significant + not to be missed. Ill say! The fearless, fierce, fabulous, free-spirit flow of the weekend was all part of a divine plan. The only thing I didnt do was dump my photos into my desktop. With all the French apps Ive loaded of late + a big ol library of animated emoji that had me LOL after I downloaded them last night, I dont have lots of storage on my phone. And its a good thing because its what crystallized everything. I snapped a few photos + switched to video. Time to film some sunshine! Not really. At least it gave me 16 seconds before I was notified that I didnt have sufficient storage, thus no more snapping, missy! To make it clear, the flippin screen froze, even though I deleted some of my stash. At the start of todays beach journey. What if I miss something? This cant be happening! But it was. And I couldve missed everything but for the WTF?! I was just about ready to turn off my phone when Instagram was whispered into my ear. My friends have been urging, encouraging, inspiring, nudging + even pushing me hard to get with the Instagram program. There mustve been a universal conspiracy because I opened it up + voilà!...was able to take most of todays pics. I didnt play around with filters, though I suspect that Ill be getting to know the big I better. All the activity over the weekend was a major unplanned clearing out of the old to make room for the new. It was heaven sent for sure. I released so much emotionally, physically + mentally. I increased much spiritually + materially in a light-right-for-me way. Priceless goodness. Rich-Rich-Hooray! Its a new day to do things in a new way. It all makes sense as Saturdays new moon in Leo is setting a fire under our bums to get us off em so we can do what were here to do. Im in a different place, yet still in the same place. Its as if everything is clicking. Clarity about who I want to hang out with, what I want to do, where I want to be, who + how I want to be, who I am. Its an exciting time + theres no looking back. I am that. In the flurry of self-imposed move this crap out!, I was unknowingly paving the way for something mo bigger + better, with a sense that Ill reach that apex as long as I stay in a bigger, higher vibration by doing big things in a smaller way leading me to the biggest things ever. Say that three times fast whilst clicking sparkly red heels. As I turned to head home, I noticed a green ball. My friends dog sniffed it out. It looked like a globe but it turned out to be a holiday toy...holly + stockings + a squeak, oh my! Its Christmas in July! Oh. Yes. It. Is. The gift the universe delivered has been received. Im not sure what it really is yet, but it feels good. For once its okay not to know whats next. To believe, have faith, to just know that its awesome here + now in the present moment is a gift in + of itself. Exhilarated in possibility, I called for some purple. A few steps away a lilac-hued shell appeared along with this message: Look at what has been in front of you all along that you might not have paid attention to before. There you will find your next adventure. So I played with this a bit. Aha! A leaf on the path I walk every day signifies my own turning over a new leaf. The purple petals in the midst of weeds, clover, in spots Ive passed many times before but didnt see. And it didnt end there. The last straw literally + figuratively was the exclamation point on the message. A plastic-wrapped skinny red straw was the last one standing in my straw jar. I unwrapped + plopped it into my drink + nothing. There was a tiny hole in it not allowing a clear passage. I LOL, opened up the box I bought last week + pulled out a yellow striped big flexi-straw + was back in the flow. Hows that for a sign that its time to suck it up, clear it out, unblock, wave buh-bye, create space, step up up up the pace, go big through + with the small. Theres so much BIG that I dont even know where to begin which is why small steps are just fine by me. Besides, Im not ready to trade in my heels to keep up with the pace, so slow but sure with grace is how Im gonna win this personal race. Does any of this make sense to you in your world? Can you feel the strong energy demanding you to be true to yourself + get out there + do what you gotta do? Please dont ignore any tugs you may sense. And dont even try to make sense of it. The time is now. Just know, flow, glow, go with it. Pinkie swear promise. Peaceful productivity rocks! So do you! Much 💜 + a You. Can. Do. It. hug accompanied by a heavenly tug + nary one bug, thank gawd, Denise-Marie xx
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 16:27:21 +0000

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