Bonjour, sunshine! Oh, thank heaven for 7 + 11...topping the - TopicsExpress


Bonjour, sunshine! Oh, thank heaven for 7 + 11...topping the typical with a twinkly twist. Isnt that what were here to do? You betcha. Im a big numbers person though my math talent is limited to simple adds, subtracts, divisions + in 50%-off shoe sale where I can figure the end game price in my head straightaway because someone could walk away with MY pair. You know, life support calculations. Speaking of numbers, before I forget, youve got to check out Fitbit. I have the Zip + its fab! I clip it onto my bra or beach dress + voilà! Calculates steps I take + much more AND syncs the stats with my computer + phone. Ive only had it for one day + one morning + am in love. So motivating! Ive walked 2,624 steps already plus the ones I took before the beach when I forgot to clip it on. fitbit Okay, back to 7 + 11. Seven is the number of heaven. Thats all Ill say about that other than I experience it every time Im on the beach...heaven on earth to me. 11 was THE beachs number this morn, showing up in the sky, on the shore, across the sea. Parallel sticks everywhere below, light + dark contrast forming columns above. Ocean mirroring through stripes. Remarkable. Something to take serious note of. 11 is a gateway number. Ive mentioned this before so bear with me as Im repeating myself. Its worth it because now is the time to embrace it...actually to step through it. Ive been fascinated by doors, arbors, shutters, windows + gates forever. Im looking forward to taking photos of the most amazing passages + les portes in Paris. Theres something empowering about crossing over a threshold, stepping across the line from one place to another, entering a new space. One door closes, another door opens. Leaving behind one experience, moving forward into another. Every pass-through, doorway, gate is an 11, formed by the frames on the right + left. Your life expands when you enter a room. Think of opening + closing a door as inhaling + exhaling. Meeting ends, leave the room, breathe. Contract. Theres stuff to do. You return to your office, ready for the next thing, take a breath. Expand. Start a creative project, go within. Enter your space. Cocoon. Finish a creative project, stand up + stretch, release, let it go, breathe. Spread your wings. Fly. Were constantly entering + exiting, expanding + contracting, inhaling + exhaling. All. Day. Long. Experiencing the magic of 11. Im not an numerology expert by any stretch but I believe that the powerful energy of numbers is very real. There have been way too many coincidences + as they say, there are no coincidences. Heres the full scoop on 11 from the pros: numerology-thenumbersandtheirmeanings.blogspot/2011/05/number-11.html?m=1 symbolic-meanings/2008/05/01/seeing-number-11-and-symbolic-duality-synchroblog-project/ Most of today will be spent putting the finishing touches on the side trips Ill be taking from Paris...OMD! 22 nights in just 18 days! Ive been to Paris many times before but this trip is more of a pilgrimage. I just know a profound shift will occur. Its been in the works ever since my dad started his transition to heaven. So much has transformed already. Im ready to walk through the next door. I was soaring with joy as I opened the gate to go home. Giddy with possibility. As soon as I closed it I noticed fluttering in a bush nearby. Hmmmm...what have we here? WTF?! WOW! A magnificent butterfly sipping nectar. It allowed me to get really close. It flitted from one flower to the next with ease, grace, fearlessness...even leaving the buffet to check me out closely. In my face, almost landed on my arm. So beautiful. I took this gift as a sign that the universe is aligned with my readiness. Its time to fly. I thanked the messenger + my dad 11 times. How about you? As you go about your day today, every time you pass through a door, gate or some other opening, think of your hopes, dreams, wishes, where youve been, where you want to go. Enter each room, area, space with grace + a knowing that the universe is co-creating with you right now so make sure whats on your mind + in your heart is exactly what you want in your life. Go for happy, not crappy! Just go for it! Portals await your presence. Much ❤️ + a French door hug with lots of sun shining through its panes to zap any pain you may have except for champagne, Denise-Marie xx
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 13:27:09 +0000

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