Bonjour, sunshine! Oh what a beautiful morning, but nothing is - TopicsExpress


Bonjour, sunshine! Oh what a beautiful morning, but nothing is happening. Its calm, quiet, too collected because all is staying the same. The sky is static, at least compared to last weeks dramatic displays. Its as if the universe is holding up a big ol plant mister + releasing a fine pastel-hued spray every so often to make sure were awake. Or maybe its to shoo the bugs away. When theres stillness there can be discomfort. Aha! Thats it. Ive mentioned bugs plenty of times lately even though I told myself to knock it off, to quit talking about the bites, to do something about it instead. Heck, my friend Melody even posted some simple bug repellent mixes that I can easily make at home. I havent done a dang thing except talk about my insect issues. Surely we have better things to yak about. I Googled debug recipes as some mysterious green insect gobbled my wrist...the photo op was perfect, but I didnt want to leave the search engine. Im sharing the first one that popped up so I can humanely relocate the gnasher...voilà!: wellnessmama/2565/homemade-bug-spray/ One day when Im bored Ill ask Google if insects have teeth because the skin on my arm indicates more than a stinger. Were talking fangs, peeps! Ok, back to the serene beach scene minus the mean green biting machine. As I walked along the shore, todays message became clear: Being okay with stillness. Alright with silence. Staying with + in the static zone, where there isnt hustle, bustle, background noise, drama. Being able to hang out with yourself without external distractions or stimulations. Just being. Weve touched upon this before, but todays teeter I dare say...boredom, had me going deeper. Bored at the beach? Impossible. But it got me thinking. What was stirring when I noticed that most of my photos looked the same? That the shells were aplenty but standard issue for our shore here? That the sea was mostly flat? That the edges of everything natural + not seemed soft because of the misty vibe? Why was I feeling antsy in the stillness? Because that freakin bug + his/her (I couldnt tell...will have to Google that too) pals wouldnt leave me alone. I did try to embrace the stillness. I wanted to sit on the sand + do nothing else. Just close my eyes + inhale + exhale the salty air fully + deeply. Thats what I wanted to do. Nothing. Just breathe. I wasnt having a problem with being in a quiet zone. I was beating myself up because I was being eaten by bugs. Any discomfort was of my own making because I know the bugs are out in full force. It isnt their fault for doing what they were born to do. Had I actually whipped something up to repel them when they first started to devour me I would have had a more peaceful experience in the place that was oozing calm for the taking. Bliss was being served on the beach today. I tried to hang in there. I have lots of time to just sit on the sand. I wanted it to work. Bug as tough + determined as I am, Im not a martyr. Losing one arm is one thing, allowing other limbs to be attacked, another. Is there anything bugging you right now? Has it bothered you for awhile? Do you gripe about it? Venting is good. If getting something off your chest is whats in order, by golly, vent away. But if you find yourself in venting round three or more, its time to take action, not just talk about it. Do something about it. Change the lightbulb, call the plumber, go to Home Depot for the $2 part that will get things back on track. Have that long overdue discussion with your friend, boss, coworker, pain-in-the-arse. Ask for help, write the letter, clean out the fridge, find a job. Make the flippin bug spray already. Ok! I will. The universe can be so bossy. 😄 One of the most peaceful beach mornings was cut short not because of some damn bug + a bunch of bites. Sure, I could blame my early departure on that. But Im the guilty party. I went bare knowing that theyre out there. I didnt do anything to help myself enjoy myself more on the shore. If I mention insect woes again, please swat me through the screen. We have to look at ourselves first when there are sucky moments. Are you doing anything to contribute to whatever yuck shows up in your life? If the answer is yes, you know what to do. Something! Anything! Now! Todays stillness edginess that prompted me to ponder why I was uncomfortable with all that zen, morphed into a message to get busy. So, I can handle stillness so long as nothing or no one is bugging me? Nahhhhh. I know the world doesnt stop when I have a need to. Heck, I did yoga smack dab in the middle of Times Square. I know how to tune out. But if something is unbearable + I can do something about it, what am I waiting for? Good question. If something is important to you, including peace of mind which I suspect is, dont point your finger beyond yourself. Take action. Todays sermon is officially over. Im off to make big spray, provided I have all the ingredients. If not, Ill at least scribble a shopping list. Tiny action is better than none. Ok, now were done. Wishing you a Sunday filled with sunshine + fun with nary one bug bite, unless youre presented with a cupcake adorned with a sugar replica of a bee or something like that in which case enjoy! Just make sure to not leave any crumbs or else ants will show up + youll quite possibly start all over again. Im getting itchy just thinking about it...both the cupcake + the killer ants. 😄 Much ❤️ + a love bug hug, Denise-Marie xx
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 12:47:23 +0000

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