09 Okt 2014 20:00 : Info wars: Mainstream media - TopicsExpress

   09 Okt 2014 20:00 : Info wars: Mainstream media vs media collectives and cooperative organizations in Brazil and Argentina Vortrag und Diskussion über brasilianische und argentinische Medienkollektive in englischer Sprache: This presentation will explain media democratization processes in Argentina and Brazil during the last 10 years. In Argentina the conflicts and outcomes of the 2009 media reform will be depicted, whereas in Brazil the focus will be on digital culture policies during Lula´s government that democratized access to internet and expanded digital culture and citizen journalism practices. In both cases the dominance of media oligopolies was threatened, but still many challenges remain. At the heart of these discussions lies a conflict between different understandings of freedom of speech. Should it be limited just to freedom of enterprise? Or is it associated with social justice aims? To illustrate these points, one case of the solidarity economy in Argentina (cooperatives), and one online media collective in Brazil will be described. These two cases, with different organizational and sustainability models, produce critical content and defy the for profit only approach that mainstream media defends. Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen unserer Reihe Nicht die Krise kriegen! Libertäre Ökonomie 2014
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 09:18:04 +0000

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