Bonofa Cube7 Worldwide Bonofa is the marketing arm of CUBE7 - TopicsExpress


Bonofa Cube7 Worldwide Bonofa is the marketing arm of CUBE7 and people can only get into CUBE7 though us, the Bonofa affiliates (business members). To become a Business Affiliate you need to… [1] Pay a registration fee of 29.90€ which would allow you first-month access to the BAIO (Business All In One Office) centre. This is your control centre that will allow you total marketing and tracking facilities of all members that you bring into your downline… This is a must have for all business builders! [2] You select from one of the three following packages… Premium : One-time fee of $299.90€ Exclusive : One-time fee of $949.90€ VIP : One-time fee of $2490€ Of course each level has different benefits that can be viewed on the presentation document (or in the business opportunity video). [3] You maintain your monthly BAIO package at $29.90 Euro a month. (This is totally optional, but necessary for all those who are building a business in Bonofa) REMEMBER: Whatever the cost of your membership, you actually get this amount back by way of a voucher that you can use on the platform. So you essentially get your money back in savings from various purchases. The ABS is part of Bonofa’s marketing system which sends out video presentations on the program and follow up emails to all of your prospects for 6 weeks. Every package receives what is called “DOT COM POINTS” and these dotcom points will actually be your ticket to part of that 40% share of the company when it goes IPO (Initial Public Offering on the Stock Exchange) in 2017. ‘Premium’ members get 10,000 dot com points ‘Exclusive’ members receive 50,000 dot com points ‘VIP’ members receive 200,000 dot com points (this is the level to be at if you can afford it). In addition, extra (cumulative dot com points) are received by Exclusive and VIP members, so adding new friends to CUBE7 also gains all affiliates at these levels more dotcom points. A total of 40 billion dotcom points will be distributed and these will then be redeemed in 2017 for some serious CASH!! VIP members, in addition, will receive a 1% share of all of Bonofa’s turnover worldwide for life. OK, SO LET’S SUMMARISE EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE BEING OFFERRED HERE? You have the opportunity to join the next big multi-faceted social media platform that will basically combine everything that anyone is interested in online and monetize it so that you get paid in a variety of different ways. Anyone wanting to get in on the CUBE7 platform has to come through a Bonofa affiliate (us) and the company makes it extremely easy to invite thousands of friends to this with a special ’80€ BONUS INCENTIVE’ to have users join and use the CUBE7 platform FREE. As you invite more and more friends and they do the same, anyone within 6 levels of friends who purchases an app, downloads a movie or film, utilizes the gaming platform or shops online through the platform earns you money. This is just brilliant and can/will be highly lucrative for those who take action now, having seen the huge potential in this opportunity. As the platform builds and goes viral, just like the company has planned, they will be in a position to go to the stock exchange in 4 years time where they will then make their huge chunk of money (likely to be billions) at that time and we get to split a 40% share of that depending on how many dotcom points we each accumulate by that time. Also, as affiliates, we can build a massive list and network (which is typically much sought after) as well as build our downlines in Bonofa itself where we can enjoy no fewer than 6 different streams of income. Prem Jolly Mobile: 00 44 7770871007 premjolly@bonofacube7worldwide bonofacube
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 23:04:41 +0000

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