Booger saw the DDBP this afternoon. Just over an hour of telling - TopicsExpress


Booger saw the DDBP this afternoon. Just over an hour of telling why I wanted him evaluated and answering questions. The Dr that saw him today was taken aback that Booger has not been diagnosed with anxiety. I was talking a out what happened over 4th of July when he freaked out and insisted on leaving my moms house because something horrible was going to happen, how the over night camp I sent him to about two year ago didnt go over very well either, he cried every night, also how when he stays with my dad when I run to the store Im not even out of the house for 5 minutes before Booger is asking where I am and when I am coming home. She said everything Booger went through before we moved in with my dad 3 1/2 years ago could have very well resulted in him having anxiety issues. While she said she can see why I wanted him evaluated, through what I was talking about, and the answers given, she also said that at times ADHD coupled with anxiety issues can mimic someone on the autism spectrum. She is not saying he does or does not fit the guidelines, more evaluations need to be done. She put in a request that he have a psychological diagnostic interview and evaluation, a PT evaluation, go back to see his OT to make sure he is still on track, and a communication evaluation plus ADOS evaluation. The Dr also wants me to have him see by the pediatric ophthalmologist as well just to make sure the ophthalmologist he already sees didnt miss anything. I was told that it could be a few months to get appointments for a couple of these because they are not enough Drs to cover all the kids needing evaluations, but she will do her best to make sure I get some answers. Needless to say I still have a ways to go before I get final answers. And, honestly, after hearing it could just be the ADHD coupled with anxiety that is what I am hoping it is. But, a part of me still feels like that isnt everything.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 22:32:06 +0000

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