Book 39th. THE TIME IS NOW NO MORE. WE MAKE SURE YOU REALLY ARE NOW. one I see sound doctrine is based only on Santiago. Ill help a little to your faith, look in Santiago. 1:22 25. Rate it! What areas have faith you claim, as your actions speak of unbelief? Discover these areas. Decides to act according to your faith! Practice today what proclamations believe. Santiago. 2: 1 to 8. Do not be influenced by the social status of a person. Offer your love to all people without distinction. Santiago. 2: 9. difference between bias and sinful due honor. (ro.13: 7) James 3: 1.Avoid the presumption! not assume the role of teacher, until God place you in that position. You increase the possibility of being judged if you do. Santiago. 3: 2.Master your tongue! pay attention to every word we use, it may initially seem uncomfortable, but serve to advance justice. 2 Santiago. 3: 9 to 12. Speak well of others. The abusive criticism, slander, gossip and backbiting are: Troubled Waters sprouting of knowledge worldly and diabolical. Santiago: 4: 1 and 2. Waiver of fights! refuses to unnecessary discussions and personal grudges. Looking at peace with others, giving them preference before yourself. Santiago. 4: 7.Renunciation of rebellion! submit yourself to God. Renounce the devil and rejected all his advances. This is the truth that James teaches. SANTIAGO TEACHES HOW TO GO TO GOD. WANT MORE TIPS ON TRUE DOCTRINE? ILL TELL YOU SOMETHING ELSE. Are you born again in water and the Spirit, as Jesus says in John. 3: 1 to 12? This is the first thing you should do and if you have the two baptisms, are not of Christ Jesus, youre the other. three Look in a mirror and see if its you or your figure with which you were born a woman. See if you figure that you are born a woman and have not been born again in water and the Spirit, will not enter into the kingdom of heaven, and the less you can enter the marriage of the Lamb. Revelation. 19: 7 to 11. You say you are a child of God, it may well be, but Ill tell you something else, read this: Please, I do not want me Misunderstand, I only speak the truth of which is given me. There is only one Church in heaven on earth and under the earth and that is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, he is the mystical body in operation on earth, made by a member of any congregation. 4 Remember there is one name who has the true Church, the others are, blasphemous names, called likewise, Church of God and Christ Church, and Methodist churches, and churches ... These are lodges, not churches ! one is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. When someone says I am of the Methodist church or such and such a church thats blasphemy! The beast, churches, called churches are not churches; they are not churches are lodges. People are joining them, but you, but you can not join the Church of the living God, you are born into it, by the baptism of the Holy Spirit. When you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, these virtues are sealed in you, by the Holy Spirit; and therefore, He who is born of God doth not commit sin. It can not. 5 The true church of Jesus Christ is born of God through his breath, Jesus Christ gave it as an example for us we noticed when he breathed on his disciples and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit. Juan.20: 22 When one is born of God is born of the breath of God is he his son. I have many things to say about it but I did not have enough time to write so much, let the well. I INVITE YOU TO VISIT THE SITE RODOLFOJOSE LONIGRO. THE TIME IS NOW NO MORE. You will find 36 books to be read in family, Amen, Jesus Christ loves them. 6 THE COMING OF THE LORD JESUS. If we realized that the coming of the Lord Jesus to take his wife, still lack a while and almost half of another time for three times and means are met, tell us whats writings. For there the two witnesses presented, as these revolutionize the world with its signs and wonders, and not resist the Spirit that they have and doing of at that time, so it is being killed, and hanged in a square and the third day be resurrected and will be raised to heaven. The preaching of today is inviting everyone to the wedding of the Lamb is the nation it is, everyone, for all the Lord wants to come to him, they are owned by him, but only be saved next year and no which does not come to him. Religious men strive in how men who should know how spiritual men, because all writings are inspired by the Spirit of God and those who do not have can never know more than what is written. For still the Spirit speaking to the churches and no one pays attention to the Spirit, because they have faces Roan much in letter and nothing in the Spirit, but they do wrong, and all who read the writings misunderstand and they teach as they understand. 7 They are saying it may be this or that, but no security what they say, as they say uncertainly, then or said as is or not said, for God is not a God of confusion it is the truth and it there is no guile. Anyone who speaks of God the Creator should first know and then talk about it. The writings tell us who, but do not make mistakes in trying to understand who he really is, searching the scriptures, is trying to figure out what it is telling us about who is our Lord and God. Then Jesus commands them all to search them because they bear witness of who he is. Scripture tells us who the Lord Jesus, but the religious have twisted and give it another misunderstanding so that confuse people and try to confuse those who have already been born of water and of the Spirit in the name of Jesus. I will say that this is the day that Jeremiah speaks, clear, and tells us this day. Jeremiah. 31:31 to 34 and 35 to 36. 8 If we understand this without distorting its meaning, we realize he is talking about a day in which all know the Lord and God, the Lord and God came and rejected by casting of this world. But he says come all, come not tell us a little bit, but everyone calls us to come to Him to be saved, for all have been purchased at the price of his blood, to enter the marriage of the Lamb, and all it is served and prepared, just all have to come to him. This is called, do not say you do not know because tomorrow I will go tomorrow and I may be late and have to regret, and no remedy for you. If today you hear his call not harden your heart saying Ill go tomorrow, or Im too young to come to the Lord, because I have to amuse me first and then I go. 9 You do not know if today you come to find. What will you tell your Lord? Can you put excuses, or you hide your presence? As to who is the great beast, no worry, leave aside this because it is not yet time, it has to come apostate man before this. You come to your Lord and God, Jesus Christ who now invites you to come to him. Do not delay to come. I invite you to visit the José Rodolfo Lonigro. Time is no more. There you will find some books that will help you to find out who is the Lord of you speak the Bible, Jesus Christ loves them family. 10 I am who I am. There is no god but I, my name is Jesus. I am who I am, there is no god but I, I do not know, there was no other god but me. Or now nor will it be later. I am single, my name is Jesus, which means savior. I gave my life for the rescue of all, and all are mine. I am known as a father, as a son and as the Holy Spirit, but Im the same, I can not separate my Word or my Spirit, I am one God, and my name is above every name, that I will come and save her my people came and were not given me over those who received me were counted as sons and daughters of God. Just so you know, in the middle of my throne Im, like a sacrificial lamb. I am who I am, your creator and savior. When I rose from the dead, I showed my brothers and showed them what they had done to me. Well before I die hung on a wooden cross, and was assured nailed it. After I gave the father who gave it, to make sure I was dead my spirit, I nailed a spear into my side, and I am with these brands and so I showed it to my friends. For them to see that I was the one hung on that cross of wood, and showed the marks of my hands and my side, when they made sure that I was the resurrected, they said, as shots: My Lord, my God. They recognized that I was and that I needed to bring many resurrect me. 11 Acts 8:12 ... and in the name of Jesus Christ men and women were baptized. To meet these requirements must be in the body of Christ, if it is outside the body of Christ is not of him. So says the Holy Spirit the whole church worldwide. That the first steps that must be given to enter the kingdom of heaven, is baptized in water and be baptized in the Spirit, to be a new creature with a new consciousness to God and be able to enter the door. You can not enter the other hand, Jesus Christ is the door, if they are to enter through the window will be taken outside where will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Know why this is, because the first step is born of water and the second to receive the promised Holy Spirit. Without these baptisms can not enter the kingdom of heaven. A, and you should receive both baptism in Jesus name, amen. If received in other names will not be received into heaven. Only a name that is above every name, the name of Jesus our Savior. So did the disciples of Jesus and thus should be done until the Lord returns. 12 Advice for women and men. If a woman marries a man than the body of Christ Jesus, will glaring problems all his life, and if a man marries a woman who is not the body of Christ Jesus, will glaring problems, so that no can bind the oil and water. A woman must have knowledge of God to join a man and a man have knowledge of God to join a woman. Do not say I have knowledge of God and then left we have problems with our partner, or vice versa. They should both be baptized into one baptism for the Lord Jesus first and then join if what God so provides. Paul in his letters teaches us well as it should be true marriage. It has taken the verse from Ecclesiastes to beat up women, and that is wrong. 13 Ecclesiastes. 7:20. Vasa in what the preacher was looking for and found none. But now that our Lord Jesus appeared all changed, men God makes saints and women too. But if anyone considers himself a Christian, and behold the Old Testament, such as the preacher in Ecclesiastes. 7:20 thinks like a man and not as a Christian. And I say that are lagging of news. Paul gives us a great council in his letters. When I speak, I speak of Christians and not worldly. We know because Eve was taken from the man But that does not fit the man mistreats women, and women are wise, the head of the man is not made, because the man was created first and she taken from the man, both must respect and love if they are attached one flesh, and if they are not alone in going to hear word of God, as the man should to respect women and women to men. 14 If you like visit, José Rodolfo page Lonigro. There you will find 37 books to be read as a family. We also invite you to come to the marriage of the Lamb, youre all prepared, the food is in abundance and drink well, just have to come Mr invites them to come as they are, do not say tomorrow I will go, because you do not know if you can come tomorrow. If today you hear the voice of the invitation that makes you the Lord Jesus, do not stop and look like you are. For all is the invitation, of all countries worldwide. Revelation. 19: 7 to 11. Jesus Christ loves us. AUTHOR: JESUS CHRIST. AUTHOR: RODOLFO JOSE LONIGRO. Made IN SPAIN, ZARAGOZA. YEAR: 2014. Email: lonigrorodolfo@gmail rodolfo_lonigro@yahoo
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 04:08:38 +0000

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