Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe KACOU 97: THE SPIRIT OF THE - TopicsExpress


Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe KACOU 97: THE SPIRIT OF THE COMPOSITOR (Preached on Sunday morning, June 27, 2010, in Adjamé, Abidjan–Ivory Coast / Ref.11-13) Were going to start by singing: O what a joy there is... 1. Oh! Who is the prophet God has sent to set me free? Hallelujah! Oh! It’s Matthew 25:6 God has sent to set me free! Hallelujah! 2. O! What is the Message God has sent to purify me? Hallelujah! Oh! It’s the midnight Cry God has sent to purify me! Hallelujah! 3. O! What is that mystery, sealed in the Bible in an unknown language? Hallelujah! Oh! It’s the infallibility sealed in the Bible, made for the prophets. Hallelujah! 1 Amen! May God bless you ... Brethren, I see in the preachings, songs and worships that the creation is put in the Creator’s stead! Remember the recommendation of the angel in Rev.19:10. Stay in the line! 2 By the grace of God, we have just got over an important step in the Message. And before the devil could realize it, the plane of our brethren Francois Mbuyi and Obame Arsene went back and landed on the soil of Gabon. The devil did not have time to report to this or that embassy that our brethren were planning an attack against the flight Libreville-Abidjan. Everything went very well. [Ed: the congregation says, Amen! ]. It was wonderful; we’d have liked them to be forever with us. But they had to return, many out there need them. And I recommended them as to all the pastors and preachers of the Message, love, meekness and patience with the souls and not to go faster than the Message. 3 However, everything I have said, although its hard, its the entire Word of God. I know that the Message is hard but stand firm. Be patient, there are some souls that can change or understand after one or two years. Be the good shepherd. The Jesus of the evangelical churches carries on his shoulder the nicest and fattest lamb, without any flaw, without any infirmity because their Jesus is the devil but the good shepherd carries the weakest lamb that needs everything. 4 For the pastors and preachers who arrive in Ivory Coast, they need to know what awaits them... First, when arriving, there is the baptism, then the consecration and in third phase the questions and answers with the pastors, preachers and elders and finally, the fourth and last phase, the symbolic call to the pulpit by the prophet. This is the winners’ way and brethren François Mbuyi and Obame Arsene are the first winners. May God bless them! I remember going down there with the first one, pastor Mbuyi, a man passed 60, but vigorous for the Word; like brother Zadi Robert, he was in the first moments of the Message of William Branham in Africa. 5 And the river... the mystery is such that when your back is turned to downstream, your face is directly turned to the east. It is good that him that is baptised faces east, but we should not make any ceremony around that. It is the same thing if the body is not entirely immersed, it is in order. [Ed: the congregation says, Amen!]. 6 And the following day’s evening, we were with the Mayor who told us that an eighth family had just come into existence in Katadji. The first seven have been existing since before the independences in 1960. And before leaving, brother Mbuyi gave a wonderful preaching to the assembly of Kuwait in Yopougon followed up by a brief intervention of brother Obame. And I have not been told that they said only one thing that is false or contrary to the Message because they were in the Spirit of the compositor. 7 He showed how Abraham took Sarah, Hagar and Keturah and how the tent of Locodjro was the prophet himself. You see? The human body is a dwelling place; the Bible says we are a temple for the Holy Spirit. And its more than that because hundreds of spirit can be dwelling in only one human body. And there are all kinds of houses, from tents up to king palaces. And also, you must acknowledge that of all the continents, Africa is a tent, of all the races, the black race is a tent. Of all the ethnic groups in Ivory Coast, I have never heard that there is a smaller and lower than mine. And in Katadji, my family is said to be the house of the unintelligent people. But it is under this tent that the Almighty God has decided to reveal his glory in this generation as He had promised it to William Branham who said, And I seen that Light was talking to somebody above me. That Light that you see there on the picture. It whirled away from me, like that, and went over to that tent, and said, Ill meet you there. 8 Well, Apostle Crispin Kambale in Congo-Kinshasa drew my attention to what William Branham said in his sermon: Super sign that he delivered on Sunday afternoon, June 24, 1962, South Gate, California, USA, Ref. 64. He says: ... there come forth a prophet one of these days a-preaching the original Word of God. You talk about me telling you about having bobbed hair or something. Wait until you get a hold of him. Wait till listen to him. You think I’m rough on organization. Wait till he comes in existence. He will restore all the years that the palmerworm eaten. It’ll be a message go forth ... . Today this Scripture is fulfilled! [Ed: the congregation says, Amen!]. Ask the branhamists what they think of it. Is William Branham talking about himself or another person? Compare the midnight Cry with the evening Message and tell me that this prophecy is not fulfilled! Brethren, be serene. 9 You remember the experience I had in 1993, being very far from me without a body but with my mind and my senses, recognizing those I could see as if I were already in the millennium. This is to say that one day, when our bodies are lifeless, we will still be alive but in this other divine dimension to go and give God an account of all of our actions on earth. Death is simply the passage from one dimension to another. It is just this body that falls down as if I were getting rid of this garment. I was invisible but my whole mind, my conscience, my imagination were in place! I could see without eyes, I could think without a brain! I was invisible. This is what I was before this body was brought into the world. And when this body was conceived, I came out of the presence of God as a pillar of fire or a cloud upon my mother and when this body was born, I got into it, manifesting exactly what I was. You see? 10 If I am a good or evil person, it is not due to the garment that I have on. So, fear God, obey His Word as much as He will give you the capacity to do it so that, when this flesh carapace falls, lifeless, you may be happy. In hunger, abandonment, poverty and disease, even if you think you are a child of the devil or that God has forsaken you, nothing prevents you from living a good life like Lazarus in Luke 16! [Ed: the congregation says, Amen!] 11 Now I going to read a question, I have a question here ... Brother Philippe, are we allowed to record the preaching of our pastor? Of course, you will record it to listen to it at home and it can happen that a brother or sister from another assembly listens to it. 12 For sister Valerie’s return, I did say: I remembered her ... It was never a procedure undertaken by her or her parents. And when somebody says: I will not come back, what is the good thing in here I will return for? What will I return for? and that she starts divulging things that I told her in our interior room ... it is as if her return was a mistake of mine but it’s in order that ... And the Sanballat and Tobijah and the enemies of the Message and the carnal ones and all those who never sought my joy and all those who are not in the Spirit of the compositor wished her return. 13 When you talk about: God remembers Israel, you also need to know that it was God Himself who would send Israel off her land and who would bring her back. But she said by herself: I will not come back, what is the good thing in here I will return for? If she loved me she would never say that. That’s why I am free from any commitment to her. If God had sent her away, he would have remembered her as in the Old Testament. You see? 14 I called her Zipporah, the carnal posterity of Moses, or rather of William Branham that has never believed the midnight Cry and that I have never baptised. [Ed: It was in the very first moments of the midnight Cry, at a time when the prophet alone baptised] Nothing happens by chance. You remember that, I endowed Zipporah on October 28, 2000 and I endowed sister Francine on October 27, 2007. That is seven years to the day. And for two years to the day also, in the same period of May, you were sitting in the same place, in Anyama for the separation from sister Francine and this year, on the same date you came to announce her return near me. And why won’t the one I baptised and the only one the Church Itself endowed for me be the one from God? 15 And when, concerning sister Valerie’s departure, I informed sister Mireille in Belgium, with whom she spent a lot of time on Skype, she wrote this to me: Be strengthened brother, you are our prophet, and God saw the end before the beginning and He knows you will be more than a conqueror. He has already given you victory, brother. Our Lord has already given you victory. When you suffer, we suffer with you brother. This time, she left by herself, you should not feel guilty. Whatever might happen you are Gods Gift for our generation... You see? It is a different Spirit and that’s that of the compositor! You see? The Spirit of the compositor! You cannot have a good position, report or modify any thing unless you are in the spirit of the compositor of that thing. 16 Someone asked what the lyric of the song: When we gather, Amen! Adam is there, Amen! Naming animals.... means. I said: You do not understand because you are not in the spirit of the compositor. And I said, God brought catholics near and I said: This animal posterity, they are lions, and then He brought protestants near and I said: These animals are rams! Then He brought evangelicals near and I said: These are goats! They are animals! 17 In 2007, I did not love sister Francine much, but this time I think its different, plus it’s now I who takes her as a bride. You remember that virtue of sister Francine ... Apart from her extraordinary answers she gave to my questions, on one occasion, in 2007 when she was my wife, we were travelling to the village and when returning to Abidjan, I told her not to take a certain number of objects because we would be back in two days. And once we arrived in Abidjan, I said: Oh, sister, if I knew, youd have come with those things and she said: Brother, I brought all the things you told me to leave there! And there were several cases like this one, it’s perhaps even beyond the Spirit of the compositor. But when she was no longer my wife, that had left her. So much so that I saw in her phone an SMS from her twin sister saying: the fact is not that youre stupid, but you’re to behave like that now because God has left you for now. Be serene until the appointed time. Remember the promise and the vow of God. 18 But when she became my wife again, that came back immediately and the last one happened on Thursday, June 17, 2010, brethren Benié, Darius and Zadi were with me in Katadji and before going and have the meal I wanted to tell her: Sister, when Im about to have the meal with them, bring a bottle of Vimto for me and two bottles of apple for them, do not serve any Coca-Cola or other. But I forgot to tell her about that and when we were about to have the meal, she brought that exactly. A bottle of Vimto for me and two bottles of apple for the three brethren. I said: Honey, how did you know that? This is how I call her when we are just two, for the moment! I said: How did you know that I wanted you to bring a bottle of Vimto for me and two bottles of apple soft drinks for the three brethren. She said, it came up in my mind to do that. She did not fast to do that, it was not an Esther, Jehoshaphat fast or chain of prayers that caused that but she was in the Spirit of the compositor. [Ed: the congregation says, Amen!]. 19 I was a little embarrassed by her Ghanaian origins [Ed: both her father and mother are Ghanaians] but now Moses is proud of the Ethiopian woman and the Jew is proud of the Samaritan woman. Christ Himself leaves Israel to take a bride of the nations and in this generation, He leaves Asia, Europe and America to take an African bride. And the eclipse of March 29, 2006 and the two visions and the revelation show that it is to be this way. 20 And if the faith of a church is that of the wife of its pastor, then my prayer is that it will be so for my church too. Because before the rapture, we will manifest the Will of God this way. He is the Word and we will be the Word-Bride and His Spirit will fully dwell in us and we will no more need any teaching, we will no more need any precept, we will no more need any rule, we will no more need any prophecy and yet, we will do His will in all its perfection, for His Spirit will fully dwell in us and our spirit and our will, our mind, our conscience and our memory will be effaced forever. This is beyond the Spirit of the compositor. 21 But, also, being the wife of a prophet does not give you the eternal security! Judas was a disciple of Jesus but he is in hell. And Mary was in the upper room with the disciples. I have never said that Wesley’s wife was saved. You see? She needs to live a good life, be the model for all the sisters, obedient to every iota of the Word until her last day on earth and meets up with her husband in the glory. 22 Concerning this, I appreciated sister Elizabeth, who is in Dimbokro. When her husband was in prison for a few months, she behaved badly and she even left the midnight Cry. But when her husband, brother Christopher, died in February 2006, she told me, Brother Philippe, believe me, I’ll never leave the midnight Cry! Ill meet up with him there I have never forgotten this word and may this be just the same for sister Francine and every sister here. 23 And apart from that, can there be a woman as hard-working and home-leader as she is? I do not know! Look at her in the kitchen with sister Martha, brother Bedi’s wife. And caring so much about my welfare and the welfare of my house, of my children ... And when it comes to subjection, if there is a woman somewhere on the face of the earth, it’s her. I can say now that God has given me a bride, my like. And those who love me will say: Amen! [Ed: the congregation says, Amen!]. 24 If she is not perfect, she will be so because it’s for souls like her that I have been sent. And I tell her everything without me worrying. Over these two years of separation, she never exposed anything concerning me and she remained faithful to me and her love and subjection to me have not changed and she has not been with any man. 25 Now listen to this: When she came down there, it was under law, with the Spirit of Moses, those who took it for evil were punished, but here she comes under grace with the Spirit of Daniel. And this grace even extends onto her seed, when she comes as the bride, he comes as well! And he comes as Kacou Philippe Daniel! [Ed: the congregation says, Amen!]. I never said: When the other is born ... but I said: When the other comes .... He receives all the rights except that of approaching the pulpit. God is his own interpreter. Otherwise, how can Zipporah, the branhamist bring this child into the world? You see? 26 First comes Zipporah, the Midianitish, then the Ethiopian woman, then, rapidly, appears and disappears what will be the perfect bride and then the visit of Zipporah and finally the Bride. 27 So far, I have preached that in the vision of 1993, the crowd that was present had fled to hide. They all fled and that is what I have always preached and that is what we believe. Now observe the first and second vision and you will see that there was somebody behind me who saw all I will be: from the beginning up to the end of my ministry! She even saw that I will be the African horseman... She says every time: I saw him from the back ...! In old days, during kings and emperors’ great coronations and enthronement, when the supreme authority in the country was to be given to a man, his wife was always present, but standing far away behind him. 28 It is emancipation that brought her closer. And the emancipation has made that, now in some countries or kingdoms, two thrones or seats are placed side by side. And that has come up to the christian religion, so much so that during consecrations, the pastors wife is on her knees there, in front of the pulpit on the same basis as her husband. And that was now what originated the expression: Behind a great man is a great woman! We can see Empress Menen standing behind Emperor Hailey Silesia. Look in antiquity, at the time when kings went before their armies during wars, and it was first like this until woman’s emancipation came up! And all this to conclude that before the founding of the world, in the perfect will, she was the bride. Bathsheba did not come in the right manner but she was David’s bride by God and out of their union came Solomon. My mind got open on the two visions and on many other things! 29 Notice that at every major event, she is present! At the vigil of March 7, she had sung [standing] in front of me and rejoiced everybody. And at the conference of March 29, 2008, it is still her that is standing by me before the entire Ivory Coast. In the newspaper, she is the one it’s question of. And for the first baptisms of the brethren from abroad, it is her again who is standing by me because, as Solomon, Isaac and Jacob that was given to her before the founding of the world. Even if it was her who did all she could to be my wife in 2007, this is how things were to happen. 30 Well, to end ... I am going to read the two visions that sister Francine saw on April 28, 2001 ... She said: I was sitting at home and I saw as a table in front of me and a man clothed in white standing on the sand of the sea. He was a black man. He was looking on the surface of the waters as if he was awaiting something and I saw him from the back. As he looked, a fish like a whale rose on the surface of the waters. Then some time later, breathing out, the fish went down slowly in the depths of the waters, letting bubbles of air come out as if it was dead. Then a second fish with the same appearance appeared at another place and disappeared in the same manner as the first one. Then a third, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth and a seventh and everything occurred in the same manner. And when the seventh fish disappeared, there was a flash of lightning above the waters, in front of the man clothed in white. The flash produced powerful sounds like voices with sparks. It was not some lightning or some thunder but it was the flash that produced those noises like powerful cracklings with sparks, and the light and the voices of the flash entered into the man and he gestured a bit and the light and the sounds of the flash struck all the creation and the wind blew on waters and the trees and the waves struck the rocks. And it was as if it were what the man clothed in white was awaiting and the vision ended. I said, what’s this? And a second vision followed at once. The same man clothed in white that I had seen standing on the sand of the sea was sitting on a white horse on top of a very high mountain, bare like a pyramid. Water had streamed over it. It stood alone, not in range. I wished I could see the man’s face but I saw him from the back. He went down slowly and when he moved ahead, the mountain on which he had been stood up in its place but all the mountains and the hills of the earth flattened and became small stones before him and all the trees, big ones and small ones curved in arc until their foliage touched the ground before him and he went to a very old black woman. It was as if that old black woman had been waiting for the man for a long time. She was weighed down by her old age, the wrinkles on her face were so strong, her movements were very slow. She looked at the horseman come as one looks upon somebody as his sole hope and it was also as if it were because of her that he was coming. And the man clothed in white rode to her, when he touched the old woman, she became an extremely beautiful young girl. Even her clothes were transformed. And to the miracle that took place, a great crowd came again, praising and worshipping God because of that miracle. And the crowd became extremely large, there were men and women, small and great, white, black, men of all the races on earth shouting aloud: Glory be to our God! Glory be to our God! We are saved! We are saved! And the news spread and crowds came from everywhere. And the horseman advanced and the multitude followed him. And the vision ended and I was troubled by it for several days. Print this chapter Send this page to a friend back to the list - Copyright © April 2007 Registration of Copyright ® All rights reserved
Posted on: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 13:52:54 +0000

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