~ Book project *Being & Freedom - The Life of Being* on Being from - TopicsExpress


~ Book project *Being & Freedom - The Life of Being* on Being from Within rather than from without, on Liberation, on Self-Realization, on Happiness ☌ ~ Most people are simply unaware of the presence of their Inner World. Consequently, they only know the external one. They thus mostly all know themselves - Who We Are uniquely lying within ourselves, we being nothing that is without, but Everything, which is Infinity, that is within - only to a small and little extent, who and how they are being mostly only dictated and determined by externality, which is all they know. Most, thus - out of unawareness of Who They Really Are from being out of touch with their Internality - only absorb like sponges all of the different messages externality sends them, doing so mostly unconsciously and unawaringly, and thus, holding not much control presently over who they are, as they are only mostly following the general trends externality arbitrary throws at us all, and from the present messages externality is constantly sending to all of us, most people only define who they are from how much they are fulfilling the specific arbitrary standards our present society is projecting as being valuable, as being meaningful, as being important, and as being of high worth, while most people also only limit themselves and who and how much they are only to the extent that they are fulfilling these external, arbitrary and dictated criterions of our present material and superficial culture, not letting themselves be more than who they are told they are in relation to this external scale of worth and value. Thus, out of unconsciousness of themselves, out of being out of touch with their Inner World, where only Who We Truly Are lies - and We Are Great and Grand already - most people only define themselves from externality, only defining who they are from what they physically look like in relation to how our present society is determining what being highly valuable and beautiful looks like; only define themselves and how successful they are from how much money, fame and popularity, how much material possessions and wealth, how great accomplishments recognized and praised by most they are all holding for themselves presently from what our present culture tells us success is; only defining who they are from how others behave with them, from how others treat them, from how others interact with them, how they perceive them, judge them, and think and talk about them, giving total and complete power and control over who they are - out of not Knowing Themselves and their Inner World - to others who they believe would behave only in reflection of who they are themselves - Hell, if I was really high and valuable, people would behave with me as such, right, and recognize this about me, dont you think? But the thing is, self-definition always only comes and happens from within ourselves, solely, we holding Total and Unique Control over what is within ourselves, but none and absolutely none really, even if we like to deceive ourselves with the illusion that we do, over externality. Thus, anything that comes out of one person can never define anything that lies without that person, it is always only defining who and how this person presently is, it is only self-definition and self-revelation, one never being able to express anything at all that isnt first present within himself. In whatever we do or express, we are always only doing such only from who and how we presently are, period. We cannot express anything that isnt first present within ourselves, that isnt first to some extent part of who we presently are. And thus, whenever one expresses something, directly or indirectly, however one is behaving, no matter how one is interacting and treating externality, his environment and others, all of these, anything coming out of someone is always and will forever be only the expression and revelation of who and how that person presently is, and never defining anything outside of himself. And thus, this only leads to people seeing us only from how they see themselves; thinking and judging us only from the ways and standards they think and judge of themselves; considering our beauty, our worth, our value, our highness and importance only from the same criterions and aspects they define these characteristics for themselves. Thus, as most are unaware of their Inner World, that their Self only lies within themselves, most only define who they are from external standards and criterions, and as we can only express without who and how we presently are, we seeing others never really as they are but only from how we are ourselves, most people thus behave with others and with us mostly only as subjective reflection of themselves, behaving with us from how they see and consider us, which is only a product of who they presently are themselves, which is mostly generally made and constructed by the external dictatorship of identity of our present culture and society. And thus, most people simply behave with us from who they are, which is determined by our present external environment mostly. Right there though is where most people lose Themselves, most people who are also unaware of their True Selves within themselves, only defining themselves between many other things from how others behave with them, from how they see them, how they think of them and judge them, as if it was the definition and reflection of who they are, when in fact, it is only the expression, definition and revelation of who and how those having made the self-expression presently are. The more we get to Know Ourselves, the more we look within and explore our Internality, the more we Rise in Self-Knowledge - Connais-toi toi-mĂȘme... - the Freer we become about who we are, the Truer we become by dwelling in our Unique Inner Verity of Being, and the Higher we Rise back to our True Self and True Identity, Liberated from keeping ourselves down and low from our ignorance of Ourselves, and not limited anymore to only be who our present society and culture tell us we are from its dictated arbitrary standards of value and worth. From Connecting with our Truth of Being, from Coming Back to our Self, to Being, we get in touch with What Is, and thus, at last, start recognizing the presence of what is not, in ourselves as well as in others - like starting to become aware of the darkness once there is Light coming near by - and at last stopping from defining ourselves with falseness and fakeness, and thus with lowness and limitations. We are nothing that is without ourselves, but Everything that is within ourselves. We Already Are. We simply need to Come Back to our Self, to leave externality where only who we are not lies, and to Return to Ourselves, where all Shining Magnificence and Highness are only patiently waiting to welcome Us again, in great Love, Freedom, Light and Reunion, at last. ☟ Love, Light, Peace & Acceptance ~ Book project *Being & Freedom ‐ The Life of Being* ~ A Book about becoming back Truly Ourselves, in all of our Might, Light, Highness, Love & Freedom, Free to All, all are Welcome to join the Page ~ I Am, We Are, Rise n Fly ~Love, God & Light ჊
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:38:04 +0000

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