Boomtown: Fox News Exposes Corporate Cronyism in Big Government - TopicsExpress


Boomtown: Fox News Exposes Corporate Cronyism in Big Government right inside DC where 50% of the 1% of Americas Millionaires reside. Every dollar that corporations spent on lobbyists yielded a $220 return, according to a study released in 2004. That is a 22,000% return on investment. 50% of corporations now have an ex-politician on their boards. 30 major corporations spend more on lobbyists than they pay on taxes. Washington D.C. suburbs contain the three richest counties in the United States and 7 of the 10 richest counties. Green energy leader General Electric spends $100,000 every single day to influence and lobby Congress. Half of the Republican members who came to Congress in the famed 1994 “Contract with America” revolution have become lobbyists after leaving Congress. Fox is not the only media corporation to expose such complicity between big government and Wall Street; but it is one of the few media outlets that puts sufficient emphasis on government as the prime mover in the corrupt relationship. It is worth pointing out that the progressive point-of-view that comes through on networks like NBC does not mitigate the problem, but only makes it worse. Without government’s power to coerce taxpayers to fund bailouts, pay for corporate and union graft in the form of “stimulus,” and subsidize low interest rates and Wall Street booms through monetary inflation, which hurts poor people the most, corporations would be toothless enterprises. They would be forced by the market to offer goods and services at affordable rates or else go bankrupt. Big government is thus the main problem. Interestingly, taxpayer-financed PBS has gotten heat for pointing out on its own Frontline report that the Obama administration has failed to prosecute Wall Street tycoons for the mess they caused in the subprime housing market crisis. But as brave and laudable an act of relevant journalism as this may be, it still exculpates government action for having created the conditions that encouraged market malpractice. ijreview/2013/01/32757-boomtown-fox-news-exposes-corporate-cronyism-in-big-government/ Right now, because of staggered elections, it takes 3 election cycles to change congress, which would mean if we want to replace the 50% of the 1% in DC, it would take 2014, 2016, and 2018 to change 98 seats in the Senate (consider Rand Paul and Ted Cruz already part of the 99%), and 435 in the House. The Millennials (ages 18-32) are now the largest demographic in population outnumbering the Baby Boomers, and the most disenfranchised group, not even being able to afford their own homes and high on the unemployment in this country, and when they can find jobs, they dont pay like before 2008 or the 1990s. The Millennials right now are historically poised to rock the vote like its never been rocked before and vote out the 50% of the 1%, and replace them with members of the 99% who didnt inherit their wealth, marry into their wealth, or like Pelosi steal their wealth. They can elect people who actually know what a budget is, how limited it is, how to balance it, how to pay off debt, and who have common sense. The only President in US History to ever balance the budget and pay off the National Debt was Andrew Jackson, the least educated President in US History. So lets vote out these know better than you Elites, and vote in some common people to get the job done.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 10:12:06 +0000

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