Boozman Bulletin: Immigration Crisis We have an unprecedented - TopicsExpress


Boozman Bulletin: Immigration Crisis We have an unprecedented humanitarian crisis at our Southwest border. Thousands of children from Central America have been placed alone in harm’s way to illegally enter our country. This has created significant strains on our justice system, depleted border patrol resources and could compromise our national security. While the President has made it clear that Congress must solve this problem, this crisis was created in large part by the Presidents failure to enforce immigration laws. The misrepresentations and misunderstandings of U.S. immigration laws play a significant role in the recent influx of children crossing our southern border. In June, I joined bipartisan efforts urging the President to send a clear message to those seeking entry to the U.S. illegally that they will not receive special treatment when it comes to enforcing our immigration laws. The letter, signed by more than 40 of my Senate colleagues, requests that he clarify our laws with Central American heads-of-state. The President requested emergency funding to help control the illegal immigrant crisis at the Southwest border, but money should not be granted unconditionally. As a member of the Appropriations Committee I asked administration officials about the plans for this request and called for real reforms. As a member of the Senate Border Security and Enforcement First Immigration Caucus, I’m working with my colleagues to resolve this issue. That’s why I support these legislative proposals: Amending the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 to put the treatment of unaccompanied illegal children entering the United States from noncontiguous countries, including Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador on par with those entering illegally from Mexico and Canada. Senate resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that President Obama should take immediate action through five concrete steps to resolve the situation and prevent future crises including providing states impacted by this surge of illegal immigrants with the resources they need to address this ongoing crisis and working with Mexican and Central American officials to improve security at the Southern border of Mexico. These children need to be taken care of while in the US, but returned to their own countries as soon as possible. Certainty of return is the only way to stop this influx. Quick Takes: Key Supreme Court Decisions: Two highly anticipated decisions by the Supreme Court show the President is not above the law. In Burwell vs. Hobby Lobby, the Court ruled that closely held corporations with religious objections can refuse to pay for abortifacients. This decision upholds the right of religious freedom. The Court also ruled that President Obama violated the Constitution’s appointment clause while appointing members to the National Labor Relations Board during a pro forma session of the Senate in January 2012. Put the Brakes on Critical Habitat: The Obama administration is proposing two new rules and a new policy related to critical habitat designations under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). I’m urging the federal agencies involved to extend the public comment period to at least six months. I was joined in this request by colleagues on several committees with power to conduct oversight on ESA implementation. Disaster Aid Request: Severe storms in eastern Arkansas caused damage to crops and pastures. The Arkansas Congressional Delegation joined together to request federal disaster assistance for these farmers and ranchers. Expanding Access to Summer Meals: USDA Summer Food Service Program provides meals to hungry children during the summer months when school is out. Efforts to expand the summer meals program in Arkansas have been successful. Last summer nearly 300 meal sites were added, serving more than 1.6 million more meals than the summer of 2012. This was the largest increase for any state. To raise awareness of this program, I am proud to support a Senate resolution designating July as Summer Meals Awareness Month. Expanding Trade Opportunities: Arkansas exports $5.6 billion in merchandise each year. One way that we can improve our economic outlook is by significantly increasing that number. I’m pleased to see U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker taking an active approach in increasing bilateral trade and investment between the U.S. and some of the fastest growing economies in Africa. My Work in the News: I spent the July recess visiting with Arkansans and discussing issues impacting our state. Read and watch some of the coverage of our meetings during the week. Thank You Interns: Thanks to the students who spent the summer in our office helping the people of Arkansas. If you know of a qualified candidate who might be interested in learning about the legislative process and constituent service you can find an application here.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 05:27:53 +0000

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