Border Agents Furious After Fellow Agent Gunned Down: Obama Admin. - TopicsExpress


Border Agents Furious After Fellow Agent Gunned Down: Obama Admin. ‘Fails to See That It’s Their Own Policies That Have Created This’ The same day that two Mexican nationals living illegally in the United States allegedly gunned down Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega Jr. while he was fishing with his family in the Rio Grande Valley, another Border Patrol agent on foot patrol was hit in the head with a rock by another illegal immigrant and knocked unconscious, law enforcement said. On Wednesday, two Honduran men who had crossed illegally into the U.S. jumped another Border Patrol agent on patrol along the Rio Grande, an official said. One of the men attempted to hold the agent down while the other beat him. The agent was able to gain control of the situation and the two men were taken into custody. Over the past several months, the Rio Grande Valley area in southern Texas has commanded media attention due to the large influx of children pouring across the U.S. border from Central America, fleeing violence in their homelands. Federal and state law enforcement officials told TheBlaze some of that violence is coming across the border too, in the form of drug cartel and gang members crossing along with the minors. Law enforcement members say it’s the same violence that robbed Vega’s children of their father, and it’s being exported to communities throughout the United States. Gustavo Tijerina, 30, and Ismael Hernandez, 40, were arraigned in Vega’s death Tuesday from inside the jail library. Willacy County Sheriff Larry Spence said both were living in the U.S. illegally; Tijerina has a long criminal history and has been deported from the United States more than four times. Hernandez has also been deported. Police have said there’s no evidence they knew Vega was a Border Patrol agent, but officers who work along the border said it’s more evidence of growing violence in the area. “Our agents face threats everyday,” said Chris Cabrera, a Rio Grande Valley sector Border Patrol agent and vice president of the National Border Patrol Council local 3307. “The issue is not only about the border but what happens across the nation. People with bad intentions cross undetected into our country every day. Some that are apprehended are released into our country as well. This is a recipe for disaster. Our Border Patrol brother was ruthlessly murdered, yet this is not an isolated incident.” - - - See the rest of the article here: theblaze/stories/2014/08/08/border-agents-furious-after-fellow-agent-gunned-down-obama-admin-fails-to-see-that-its-their-own-policies-that-have-created-this/
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 15:18:44 +0000

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