Border Patrol honors their - TopicsExpress


Border Patrol honors their oath... ========================== Civilian protests against the Obama administration’s handling of the illegal immigration crisis have been growing rapidly, especially in the wake of successful demonstrations in Murrieta, California. The anti-illegal immigration protesters in that southern California town of 100,000 successfully turned away at least four busloads of immigrants slated for processing and release in their community, encouraging citizens around the country to organize protests of their own. Now reports from an informer inside Customs and Border Protection says that the civilians were not alone in their refusal to allow the federal government to violate their constitutional guarantees of free speech and assembly. Border Patrol agents reportedly told their superiors that they would “stand down” if the Department of Homeland Security carried out its threat to use force to end the peaceful demonstrations. From Guerilla Media Network: “Most of the Border Patrol agents here at this facility are residents of Murrieta, and when they found out that the DHS was going to come in with riot gear, the agents declared that they would not obey any unlawful orders which violate the Constitutional rights of peaceful protestors [sic].” said the informant. “Our contact inside the U.S. Border Patrol told us that we do not even realize how impactful the protest was….it was a shot heard around the world….all the way back to Guatemala; Mexico, and not just the U.S. Government….the influx of immigrants coming over the border has decreased from 1500 per day down to 800 per day…cut almost in half as a direct result of what we’ve done.” The front line U.S. Border Patrol agents are essentially refusing to perform any unconstitutional act upon the protesters, and they let their intentions be known to their superiors. As a result, the Department of Homeland Security could not proceed with delivery of another busload of illegal immigrants to Murrieta due to the lack of support by Murrieta Police Officers, as well as Border Patrol Agents who are stedfast [sic] in upholding their oath to defend and support the Constitution of the United States. This report should not be as surprising as many may find it. U.S. Border Patrol agents, like law enforcement everywhere, join up to serve their communities and their fellow Americans, and generally take their oaths to uphold the Constitution and the law of the land seriously. Border Patrol officials are citizens, too, and just as concerned about the erosion of personal freedom that federal power grabs represent as everyone else. Nonetheless these reports are encouraging to conservatives who can sometimes come to think that the behemoth that is America’s over-sized federal government acts as a homogeneous whole, with Obama at its head. It is good to hear that, at least among the men and women of law enforcement, individual conscience survives. conservativetribune/border-patrol-stand-with-protesters/
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 01:09:34 +0000

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