Border patrol training has been suspended in New Mexico. - TopicsExpress


Border patrol training has been suspended in New Mexico. (LINK) Businesses, including a hot dog store in Columbus, Ohio, can’t get their government-backed Small Business Administration loans. (LINK) Congress’ failure to consider a farm bill because of the shutdown is hurting dairy farmers. (LINK and LINK) Sugar daddy websites, focusing on relationships that feature older men who spend lavishly on women, are witnessing a spike in interest, which some website operators attribute to young women losing government benefits. (LINK) Real estate agents in Texas are seeing less business. (LINK) Veterans, including 100 Missouri State University students, will not receive federal tuition assistance. (LINK) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service facilities — in states that include Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin — are closed to the public. (LINK) Timber contracts for national parkland have been suspended and sales are slowing. (LINK and LINK) A town in Montana dependent on seasonal tourism has become a “ghost town.” (LINK) A dinosaurs fossil exhibit museum delivery to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History has been delayed. (LINK) Private tour companies near Yellowstone National Park have seen a dramatic drop in customers. (LINK) An annual roundup of wild ponies on the Eastern Shore of Virginia has been canceled. (LINK) Private hotels on government property are struggling with the shutdown and the absence of customers. (LINK and LINK) The director of a project to study stink bugs was furloughed, just as the pests are beginning to find winter hiding places inside homes. (LINK) Arizona stopped payments to 5,200 families eligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. (LINK) Private businesses at Grand Canyon are suffering. (LINK and LINK) A legal challenge to Texas’ voter ID law has been delayed at the request of the Department of Justice. (LINK) Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are growing frightened. “The blind spots are getting bigger every day as this goes on,” said CDC spokeswoman Barbara Reynolds in Atlanta. (LINK) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission court cases have been delayed in Maine. (LINK) The citrus forecast, which influences price negotiations between Florida growers and juice processors, was cancelled. (LINK) NASA websites have been pulled down. (LINK) King crab fishing boats have to stay docked without government approval of permits and quotas, costing Alaska fisherman potentially “hundreds of thousands of dollars.” (LINK) Everglades restoration project funding has been jeopardized. (LINK) Tours at Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Park in Kentucky have been canceled. (LINK) Some Native Americans are not receiving scholarships. (LINK) Other Native American communities are seeing nutrition programs, foster care payments, financial assistance for the poor and anti-elder-abuse programs cut. (LINK) Oregon State University is losing $600,000 a day in federal research money. (LINK) Dog park volunteers are being forced to stay at home in Oregon. (LINK) Medicare program audit has been delayed. (LINK) Farm and livestock producers are lacking basic information to make business decisions. (LINK) Two New Hampshire families were stuck in Arizona parking lot after planning 20-day rafting trip on the Colorado River. (LINK) Lockheed Martin announced it was furloughing 3,000 workers in Colorado. (LINK) The Maverick Mountain Bike Championship canceled two of its three races in Colorado. (LINK) The absence of a farm bill has hit cotton farming in Georgia. (LINK) Nursery plants in Virginia may die waiting to be given to defense installations. (LINK) Federal investigators can’t inspect a fatal Metro accident in Washington, D.C. (LINK) The Department of Justice is seeking a delay in a National Security Agency case. (LINK) Washington, D.C.’s, food trucks have lost a tremendous amount of business. (LINK) United Technologies Corp. says it may furlough more than 5,000 workers in Nevada. (LINK) Sea turtle monitoring in Florida has been hampered. (LINK) Children in Tennessee couldn’t ride the bus to school. “Since the Great Smoky Mountains are closed, along with a number of roads overseen by rangers, a some parents had to find another way to get their children to class. During the government shutdown, Bus #49 could not make its route.” (LINK) Habitat for Humanity has been dealt a funding cut. (LINK) A free health care clinic in Alabama can’t take on new patients. “Our hands are tied because we can’t help those patients unless we get that,” said Cullman’s Good Samaritan Clinic Executive Director Kelly Lindsey. “We also work with pharmaceutical companies to get people free medicine, but they won’t do that unless we have that paperwork. It’s impacting us quite a bit now.” (LINK) A boy was denied blood test until Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kansas) stepped in to help. (LINK) Unemployment claims skyrocketed 500 percent in Utah. (LINK) Build America Bond rebates were not being paid. (LINK) A death penalty appeal in North Dakota was delayed. (LINK) Pig virus monitoring was stopped. (LINK) A wedding was displaced in Tennessee because it was in a national park. (LINK) Canopy tours in Great Smoky Mountain National Park saw “a dramatic decrease in the number of people walking through their doors.” (LINK) Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this article are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Farm Credit Council. Key Issues Latest News Shutdowns impact includes weather, crop evaluations Oct 10, 2013 - Ottumwa Courier Farm bill limbo all too familiar Oct 10, 2013 - The Portales News-Tribune Good harvest still expected Oct 10, 2013 - The Knoxville Journal-Express (Iowa)
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 03:17:00 +0000

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