Bore da With the omnipresent Blue 24 this year, we get osprey - TopicsExpress


Bore da With the omnipresent Blue 24 this year, we get osprey intrusions every day. The trick is trying to work out whats going on. It is usually Glesni, sometimes Monty, that first alerts us that there is another osprey in the area - listen to Glesnis calls here. These mean just one thing - Osprey too close Between 10am and 6pm we have a camera person in the office who can see nothing outside. Alwyn and/or volunteers are usually in the Observatory trying to figure out where the intruding osprey(s) is and communicating to the camera person in the office via walkie-talkie. It is not easy! Intruders usually (and unfortunately for us) dont tend to land, so they are airborne and flying at speed, several hundreds of metres away, sometimes miles away. We look for any missing (moulting) tail or flight feathers. Blue 24 has a missing tail feather on the right hand side for example. We also look at the behaviour which might give the gender of the bird away. We cant see rings unless the bird is extremely close and then we need someone with a camera and telephoto lens! Here is a video then of three separate intruding ospreys yesterday - we hope it gives you a flavour of what gets our hearts racing at DOP on a regular basis! (we think the intruders were Blue 24, her new male friend and an unidentified osprey)
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 06:56:55 +0000

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