Bored again so lets start something off: Why is it just a - TopicsExpress


Bored again so lets start something off: Why is it just a YES/NO vote? surely to avoid a discrimination claim in the European courts it should be a YES/NO/STAY/GO vote and we should all have a say in the future of this little Island/piece of land that we all co-habit? The way I see it - Whatll happen to British Politicians such as Boris Johnson who was born in New York City, Tony Blair, born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Gordon Brown in Giffnock, Renfrewshire, Scotland. OK David Cameron was born in London but Scottish parentage and George Osborne is of Irish aristocratic parentage? Once the breakaway happens then by default do they all go back to where they came from? Will they become illegal immigrants? Perhaps if we had politicians in charge of this country (England) who were descended from its own people and from the real world then we might be more in control of our own destiny on this very small island? If only we had a strong and patriotic leadership (like Scotland, lol), then perhaps those whove been reaping the benefits of the British Tax payer (the vast majority of whom live and work in England) for at least as long as I have then they might see the benefits of sticking together instead of deserting a sinking ship, after all even the Titanic was re-floated, lol, yes Ive seen the film! Now I love Scotland (cant stand haggis though, lol) and and have many Scottish friends and I dont really mind (or care) if they become independent (I knew they should never have released Braveheart north of the border, lol) so long as its not the tax payers here who have to pick up the pieces when it doesnt go quite how theyre expecting it to, because lets face it; how on earth are they going to manage their finances on the income taxes from just 5.3 million people when theyve been use to a more than fair share (yes check the figures) of the income and corporation and VAT taxes of a joint 67.5 million? I use to manage a £9 million company budget but this little accounting scenario is far beyond me Im afraid. Yes they claim the oil is all theirs but is it really? and do the population up there ALL have company shares? Thats another debate. Perhaps I may be a racist after all, lol, or am I just a cynical patriot? Im not sure any more! maybe both...Replies on a postcard please (lol, gotta keep Carol in work!).
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 10:06:55 +0000

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